Jeremiah Krakowski | How To Get More Results

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Having Confidence Without A Track Record Or Results

There's a myth that's going around in business - that confidence comes from what you've done and the results you create.

This is only partially true and in just a few instances. Yes, it's true; when you create results, it increases your confidence.

But it's a myth because confidence is a catalyst that leads to courage! And this is where the conversation gets mixed up.

It's almost like a "chicken or the egg" conversation. What came first, the courage or the confidence?

I firmly believe confidence comes before courage because you have the confidence that you will be alright even if you take courageous action and it fails.

Ultimately, it takes a level of confidence that courageous action no matter what happens - and faith IN bold action itself leads to results, but the root here is still confidence!

Confidence comes from identity - self-love, and self-acceptance. It starts by knowing who you are and what value you bring to the world around you.

To have this level of confidence, it takes letting go of the need to judge yourself based on your results (and how we judge others for their results).

It takes total acceptance of whatever happens that it's ok and good - and part of the process of learning and growing.

It takes acceptance that being a learner and being "in the process" - is ok. That "not knowing everything perfectly" is also ok and safe!

This is the confidence that leads to courageous action because it's connected to total honesty.

I've heard some people say that having confidence without results is dishonest and fraudulent, but I firmly believe that it's the other way around! When we have the confidence, to be honest with ourselves and everyone we meet about where we are in the process, we activate ourselves to grow and move forward in life. This is about making ourselves vulnerable to criticism and judgment from others without fearing how others perceive us!

The level of confidence I'm talking about is completely giving up the need to "appear professional" all the time and just giving it your best shot.

It's ok that your best shot might not produce the results you hoped, but that you are in the process!

This confidence level that comes from total self-acceptance and self-love for who we are allows us to do impossible things, even in the beginning. It activates us to take massive action, even when we've never done something before.

To take this to the next level, when our confidence comes from connecting with our higher power, with God, we take steps of faith in everything we do!

Our confidence comes from trusting the process and not needing to control everything that happens in and around us in our life.

What will it take for you to develop that level of self-acceptance and faith?

What's preventing you from stepping out with that kind of "reckless confidence" in everything you do?

Once you start doing that, things in your business will begin to fall in place for you.

Business is about bringing value to people, delivering value with excellence. It's not about perfection.

When you believe in yourself, others will start to believe in you as well! That's what this confidence is all about.

Haven't produced any results? Great! No problem! Let's get some wins under your belt and then build on those!

Every single expert or person who changed the world started right where you are now, without results or without the results that they wanted. They got honest with themselves and then stepped out with confidence and faith.

You have to start to step out in faith and do things that might have previously terrified you. When you do this, things will begin to come together for you, but until you do, you will probably be spinning around in circles wondering why things haven't "worked out yet."

I'd love to help you grow in confidence and borrow my experience in your business. I've helped businesses for the last 17 years create 7 and 8 figures from scratch, and I've love to coach you on how to do so as well. Schedule a free 15-minute call with me, and let's figure out a strategy to help you take your business to the next level: