Watch This Quick Video To Find Out If 1 On 1 Coaching With Me Is a Good Fit For You 👇🏻



Finally, Reach Total Breakthrough In Your Coaching Business Financially & Finally Start Experiencing The Results You’ve Wanted From Your Sales & Marketing!

Setbacks are a thing of the past!

In our businesses, sometimes, we need just a little more support. That extra bit of help to push our forward.

I remember back in 2020 when I launched my first ads course - after I had sold 10s of millions of dollars for others, but I couldn’t seem to make the profits that I knew were possible for me!

Even though I was getting rave reviews, nobody was buying from me! And worse, every time I ran ads, I wasn’t selling!

I remember nights on the couch, crying, wishing something would happen differently. Why was the facebook algorithm so against me? Why was nobody showing up to buy from me?

And then, suddenly, right around August of 2021, something completely shifted. I remember it vividly, I was in New York City with my wife, and I had just launched my first online offer.

And over $20,000 in sales came in OVERNIGHT!

That’s when I knew, I was onto something big.

After that, I ran a few more live events in the beginning of 2022…

And then… something happened.

My wife got pregnant. Our first son was on his way! I made excuses in my business! This got stuck in my head. I stalled. I stopped promoting my business for 6 months!

Sales stopped coming in!

I felt like completely giving up. Maybe they were right. Maybe I wasn’t cut out for this “Online Business Thing.”

Except… I had forgotten who I am…

I’m Jeremiah Krakowski. And I know how to make business work.

I had to get my mind on straight. This cycle of “up, down, up, down” emotional roller coaster wasn’t the example I wanted for my family…

And in August, I had my first $80,000 month!

And we had our first $160,000 month in November!

I finally figured it out!

I had not just figured out how to have big sales months, but sustain a 7 figure income during the most fulfilling season of my life as a parent!

Every single month our ads cost has decreased, and our business has grown by leaps and bounds!

And now, I want to work with you to help you crack the code in your own business and life.

And I'm not just talking about a little bit of success…

I'm talking about a "whole life" success.

The kind that fills your soul and your bank account at the same time, so that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt "I can do this!"


It's about doing the things that makes everything else work, even if you feel like giving up.

This is about becoming the top 1% of the 1% in business!

And that's why I'm excited to bring you this all new VIP One-on-one Coaching Program with me.

This is where we are going to go to work to create your personalized, unique, individual blueprint for financial success in your business together.

Not some "one-size-fits-all" strategy, but the actual exact steps that will change everything for you, just like it has the many other one-on-one clients I've worked with!

This program is about 4 things:

Identifying What Makes You Unique: We'll pinpoint exactly what sets you apart from everyone else in the marketplace so that you can get the financial success you want.

Bulletproof Sales & Marketing Strategy: I'll walk you through exactly how to create your campaign to attract the clients you've been looking for. I will personally work with you to refine your sales process and get more sales than you've ever imagined.

Mental Breakthrough: If there are any mindset blocks you're still dealing with, we're going to go to work to help you develop the resilience and confidence to face any challenge that might come your way

Limitless Access: You will have virtually unlimited access to me to work with you to help you throughout this journey so that you can get the support that you need, and so that anything that comes up can get addressed immediately!

AND MORE IMPORTANTLY: A VERY Direct-Approach To Coaching: Listen, this is where I’m going to call you out if I need to, and I’m going to point out what needs to change.

This will be the catalyst to help everything break through for you.

I’ve had some VERY tough conversations before with my One-on-one clients.

I’ve called them out on things that they probably have never heard from anyone else before, but it was the very thing they needed to hear to get to the next level!

This is about transforming your life and your business so that you can finally start making multiple 6 - and then 7 figures in your business! This One-on-one Coaching Program will be the support you've been looking for! I am going to make it my mission for your success to happen!

Imagine every day, knowing you're not only moving closer to your business goals but you’re also living a life that you are proud of! A life where you're not just surviving but thriving.

Instead of being taken out by the economy, it’s time to rise and reach your financial and time goals!

That's what "whole life" success looks like, and it's within your reach.

Spots in this program are limited because I'm committed to giving each client my full attention and guidance.

If you're ready to step into the top 1% of the 1% of coaches and mentors that are out there, to make your business soar and your life sing, let's get started.

Here's what you need to do next:

Step 1: Put Down Your Deposit This will lock you in at the rate below. This is the only step you have to make today. It's your commitment to change, to growth, to realizing the full potential of your coaching business. The deposit ensures your spot in this transformative journey, a signal to both of us that you're ready to take this leap.

Step 2: Schedule A Free Consult Call (must place deposit first): Once your deposit is in, we’ll schedule an initial consult call to go over your goals. this is not part of the sessions as it’s just to do a final review to see if it’s still a good fit for you.

Why This Program Is Uniquely Designed for You:

  • Eight 1-Hour Zoom Coaching Sessions: (Really 9 calls if you include the initial free consult session) - These are more than just 1 on 1 zoom meetings. They're strategic sessions tailored to your specific needs and goals. We'll navigate through the challenges and celebrate every victory.

  • Sales Copy & Funnel Makeover: I will review your sales copy and funnels! Goodbye to outdated methods and hello to strategies that work!

  • Lifetime Access to All of our Courses: You'll get unlimited lifetime access to a comprehensive library of courses, all the ones that we have now, and in the next 12 months, always updated to keep you ahead of the curve.

  • One Year In The Client Growth Accelerator Program: This will add a whole year onto the Client Growth Accelerator Program for you, and you’ll continue in there. This will pause your payments if you paid in payments for 12 months. NOTE: If you paid in full for the accelerator, we will prorate the final total based on the amount that is unused.

  • 24/7 Direct Support: Got a question? Hit a roadblock? I'm just a message away, anytime you need. I’ll reply within 24-48 hours (some exceptions apply in emergencies)

Special Offer - Only for the Action Takers: For those who put their deposit down before Friday, September 20th 2024, I'm offering an exclusive rate of $19,000. And flexibility of payments that suit every budget.

This program is designed to break the mold of traditional coaching approaches. It's custom-built for your success.

Are You Ready to Be Part of the Top 1%?

Applications Close at Midnight
Friday September 20th, 2024


Paid In Full Cost: $19,000


12 Payments Of $1600/Month (No Credit Check Required)


You can also finance with our financing partner for up to 60 payments if you are in the USA ($600-800/month depending on credit).

You will be required to sign a contract agreeing to the terms of this program and agreeing that there are no refunds under any circumstances and there are no guarantees whatsoever with this program.

NON-REFUNDABLE Deposit: $1600 (Applies to final total, or first months payment. If financed, can be refunded.)

If in the unlikely event you decide to not move forward and and decide to not sign the contract after we do our consult call, this deposit is non-refundable, but we will apply the $1600 towards pre-paying for 9 months of the Client Growth Accelerator Program for you, so you don’t lose the amount.

NOTE: If you paid in full for the accelerator, we will prorate the final total based on the amount that is unused.

Add To Cart

After you put deposit down, we will contact you within 24-48 hours with your next steps to schedule the initial free consult with Jeremiah and the contract details.