Getting People To Pay You Money On The Internet

With online marketing, we get to utilize systems and tools to lead people down the buying path and process.

When you are on the phone with people, you have the ability to ask for feedback on que, and answer accordingly.

When you are online, the process is much slower for feedback, so you must learn to anticipate the questions people have, and hand hold them digitally to find what they are looking for.

I am using content, ads, landing pages, email marketing, Facebook groups, videos, blog posts, podcasts, etc.

All of these are tools to meet people at different places to direct them to your offer.

When it comes to asking for the sale, you have to ask with boldness and confidence, but in a way that respects where the other person is at.

If your target customer doesn’t feel appreciated & heard, and what you are offering doesn’t resonate with them, they won’t buy from you.

You could have the best product or service, but without resonating with the people who you are selling to, no one is going to take action!

We have to start stepping out, taking the leap of faith to ask for the sale.

You are not an inconvenience to anyone for asking for the sale. You are not “unworthy” of people paying you for what you do. If someone doesn’t buy from you, it does not mean that you are less worthy than if they did buy.

Your mission is to increase the certainty in what you are selling, casting vision so that your target customer can see what you are offering them in their mind's eye.

 So that they can almost feel, taste, touch and smell what it is you are selling to them before they ever purchase it. All this happens during the process of “attention” getting.

Once you have their attention, you want to pique their interest in what you have to offer. Speak the language of the person you are communicating with. Not the language you are used to speaking with your peers or friends, but rather the words and even cadence that your target customer uses!

This is not about you ‘looking good’ or people ‘liking you’. If your goal in a sales interaction is to look good enough for people to like you enough to buy, you’ve already failed and lost the interaction.

You will look better to people, AND they will like you more when you stop trying to use your sales interactions as a way to get self-validation.

You are on a mission to validate the needs of the person you are selling to, so that they know that you hear them and understand the position they are in – and can offer them a unique, tailor-made solution to what they want.

You then want to get very specific and focused on who you sell to. You’re not going to please everyone with what you have to offer. That’s just the truth, so stop trying.

Focus on those who have an interest already in what it is you are selling, and once you have that interest, don’t be afraid to ask them to buy from you.

 Make offers, more offers, consistently, over time – repeatedly, keep showing up to people to offer them what you are selling.

Your goal is to build a relationship to where they might not buy from you now, but they will eventually later.

And if they don’t, that’s ok, but you’ll work on creating things to help serve them throughout the process in the future!

If you’re looking for a proven formula to close more sales online, join my #GrowYourLife community on facebook, we’re doing a 21 Day Masterclass in there called “Internet Cashflow Formula” where I’m going step by step through the process of making money using the internet!

Join the group here.