58: Money Mindset Hacks To Grow A Business - #GrowYourLife

In this episode I help you grow in your mindset for making money and give you some tips that you can use this week to see massive results in your income earning potential!

All the right actions with the wrong mindset will not produce the kind of results you want! To make more money you have to have the right mindset about money!

Making money online and building a business are not the same thing. A business that is built well will make far more money than just trying to make money ever will!

This is the dichotomy of building a business online.

Head on over to my instagram, and leave #GrowYourLife in the comments to win a free 30 minute coaching session with me! I pick one winner every single week on Sundays!

57: Copywriting Method To Create Killer Offer Pages - #GrowYourLife

Your landing pages have never looked better! Sell more products and generate more leads with this simple method for writing copy that converts!

In this episode, I give you exactly what I use when developing offers, and what I coach my clients in to write copy that converts to sales!

Just this last week I helped 4 of my clients with this exact same copywriting method that I’m giving you here in this episode! Take notes, and let me know how it goes for you!

Schedule a free 15 minute call with me here: jeremiahkrakowski.com/freecall

56: Creating Highly Profitable Social Media Ad Campaigns - #GrowYourLife

I give you a look under the hood at how I create campaigns that generate 2-5x return on ad spend for our clients!

There's no better way to create sales for you in your business than running social media ads! I've been running campaigns for the last 13 years online using a specific method that works for all of our clients to create extremely profitable campaigns with just a few simple things!

I want to give you the blueprint that I use to create social media ads in this episode. After listening, you will know exactly what to do - and what to tweak in your campaigns to start getting more sales on the internet.

Register for my new course, just $47 for a limited time, Social Media Ads That Work: jeremiahkrakowski.com/social-media-ads-that-work

55: Position Yourself With Authority In Your Market - #GrowYourLife

For you to get results in your business, you have to position yourself as an authority in your field. You have to become the trusted expert that people go to for what you do - and what you offer for sale.

This isn't about "looking good" or trying to "convince people" of who you are. This is about a shift in the entire way you view yourself, which will show others how to view you.

The words you say - and what you do will resonate. From here, you can connect with the people who are ready to buy what you have to offer, and sell more products online!

In this episode I give you the formula to set yourself apart as an authority in your field and create an unstoppable windfall of customers!

53: Gaining The Power to Reach Your Goals - #GrowYourLife

We all have patterns that disempower our ability to reach our goals. In this episode I break down a framework for you to empower yourself to reach your goals faster.

This means you'll be able to do more, make more money in your business, have a bigger impact and live a better life.

We don't even realize we have these, and often our pride tells us we don't need to change anything.

The purpose of this episode is to help come face to face with what's stopping us so that we can reach our future goals faster!

51: Winning The Battle With "Fear Of The Unknown" - #GrowYourLife

In life, we have to take risks. We have to do things without being certain what the outcome will be. Every day, we come face to face with fear of the unknown.

For you to reach your goals, you have to learn to win the battle with Fear of the Unknown in your life!

This is something that many people don't learn in their life - and what separates those who are successful and reach their goals from those who merely talk about them!

50: Path To Your Next Breakthrough - #GrowYourLife

All of us have goals. There are moments of breakthrough that define how quickly we reach them. There's a path to a breakthrough that every successful person takes.

This applies to every single breakthrough you'll ever experience. We must have the courage to make the choices that well take us to the next level.

Your next breakthrough is waiting for you. In this episode I will point you in the direction to it!

48: Step-By-Step Online Business Success Formula - #GrowYourLife

If you're someone wanting to make money and have a successful business, there's a blueprint to do this and get repeatable, predictable profits coming in.

No matter what it is that you're trying to sell - using the internet will help increase the number of sales and revenue that come in, and it's very simple to do.

This formula applies to every single product, service or industry. Let me know what area you want me to do a deeper dive into in the comments!

47: Profitable Video Ads Made Easy - #GrowYourLife

Making profitable ad campaigns is very simple to do, yet so often I see people, even experts in their field, not know what to do to make ads that get results!

In this episode I share with you the exact framework of a wildly profitable video ad, and how you can start making ads that get results this week!

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to make amazing video ads. You just have to do a few simple things consistently!

This is the same training that I give to the clients I consult in their businesses making 7 and 8 figures! It will help accelerate you to new levels in your business this week!

46: Staying Consistent When You Have A Lot Going On - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, I give you a time-tested strategy to staying consistent with your plans and getting massive results even when you have a lot going on in your life every single day!

When you have trouble staying consistent, and you fizzle out after starting things, it becomes normal to point to everything going on around you as the cause.

And for good reason, we have so much we are doing every single day, that it becomes difficult to manage everything we have to do with what we should do to reach our goals!

You might have perfect plans laid out, but every single time, you fall short, missing what you set out to accomplish, and right back at square one!

The truth is: the more successful you get, the more you will have going on! I want to give you a blueprint to stay consistent towards your goals even when your balancing so much already!

45: Moving Past Major Roadblocks To Your Goals - #GrowYourLife

Someone is going to get some major breakthrough off this episode, I know it!

Have you ever had a goal, but then noticed that the moment you try to take action - and move forward, you get stuck? Things blocking you along the way!

I think everyone goes through this. In this episode I give you a strategic formula to break past whatever is blocking you from your goals to start taking massive action and get results fast!

You're not alone in this process. Everyone goes through it! Let's start getting some forward momentum this week!

44: Creating A Profitable Membership Program - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, I give you a blueprint to create a profitable 6 and 7 figure membership program in your business!

One of the fastest ways that I know to get your message out and simultaneously make a profit doing so is to create a membership program! I’ve helped many of my clients over the years create membership programs with 1000+ members.

This is the blueprint, the model for you to follow of how to start and run a successful, profitable membership program.

43: Start To Increase Your Income Now - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, I give you a practical step by step formula for moving the needle forward on increasing your income in your business!

In every business to grow, you need to get more revenue! But there are a few things that need to be done for this to start to happen!

It's time for you to start now, not later - and do the things that will get you from where you are now to where you want to be with the amount of money you make! This episode will help!

41: Finding And Reaching Your Target Customer - #GrowYourLife

Finding and reaching your target customer is not rocket science! In this episode, I give you the formula to help you reach any customer for any business that you are in!

Without customers, your business will fall flat, and so we have to learn how to find and reach our target customer to have someone to sell to!

This is the foundation of any successful business, and a great starting place for people who have a product, but don't know how to find customers!

40: Becoming Unstoppable At Sales - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, I'm going to challenge everything you've ever heard about sales and closing deals, to help you make more money!

For you to reach your goals in business, you have to make money, because that money can help you leverage your efforts to do more with less time and effort.

But this "making money" thing starts with closing deals and making a single sale. You have to learn to sell before you can do anything else. It's the number one skill that pays the bills more than anything else!

Check out “Never Split The Difference” by Chris Voss: amzn.to/2Ztwmra

39: Losing Is Not An Option - #GrowYourLife

You have to eliminate losing as an option in your life. Winning or learning are the only two options!

Winning and reaching your goals requires you to take ownership of your choices. Eliminating pride and ego is the first step!

Your life and what happens is no one else's choice but your own. We all have stuff that has happened to us, but we have the responsibility to choose to win, and never accept losing again!

Pick up “Extreme Ownership” by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin here (my affiliate link): amzn.to/2ZgnwNo