Your Routine Will Decide How Much Money You Make

How do you methodically get into a routine that will pay you 6 and 7 figures?

When I first started getting up at 5 am every day, it was so hard.

I thought to myself, "Omg, I can't keep doing this, I'm going to die," I actually gave up twice on it.

But I knew that my routine was going to determine my future.

You see, whatever you repeatedly do will manifest for you. When you get up in the morning at the same time every day, it creates a habit.

These habits become solidified for you as repeated experiences.

The statistics show: it takes 21 days to make a habit and 60 days to solidify them. When they become solidified, it’s hard to break even if you try! You go on autopilot.

What if you made a habit of becoming wealthy? What if you solidified the activities that would generate millions of dollars for you in a business?

The top business owners that I've ever met over the past 18 years all say this: success is methodical!

And that's what I teach to my coaching clients as well.

You have to get into a methodical routine of doing the same thing consistently every single day to generate wealth for yourself and your family.

Business success is not going to happen by accident for you.

You have to consistently, every single day, do the activities that will make you profit in your business.

You can't just "sometimes" build your business. It has to be every day, even if that's 30 minutes a day. If that's all, you got. Give it the best 30 minutes you can.

When you get to where I am, it's at least 4-6 hours a day cuz this is my full-time thing. What got me to the place where I'm earning a full-time income in my own business was becoming methodical.

You don't have a boss over you, so you have to be the boss. You have to stay on top of yourself to stay consistent.

Ask yourself this: What's stopping you from being consistent with your business? What is preventing you from taking the actions each day that you need to? What excuses or reasons do you give why you can't? What keeps you from building your business consistently?

I know that we all have "stuff" that goes on around us. But we do not have to let our stuff have control over us. If you want to be a full-time business owner, you have to build your business like a full-time gig.

If you build your business full time and set up your day around a routine that serves you, it will pay you dividends!

If you take it seriously, as seriously as you've ever taken anything else before, it will pay you.

Are you taking your business as seriously as any job you've ever worked? If not, start!

You have to get into this routine where it is your thing, and it's what you do.

When you do this, it pays you like that. When you don't, it hardly pays you at all!

That's really just the truth. Business is about full time. Business is about giving it all you got.

Can you make an income working part-time? Sure, but it takes time to get there.

You have to be 100% committed and all in on your business for it to pay you what you want.

Are you going to commit to giving 100% to your business? Let's get started.

Schedule a free 15-minute call with me if you're still figuring this business thing out, or if you're ready to give it all you got, and let's work on a strategy together to take your business to the next level: