Your Business Will Grow By Asking For What You Want

When building your business, you have to be willing to ask questions and do so without hesitancy.

I see people often holding back on asking for help or asking questions because they are unsure how to or don’t feel confident asking.

To get what you want, you have to ask for it at the end of the day.

To get more sales, you have to ask for the sale.

To get more results from your staff, you have to ask people to do work for you.

Asking is a huge, underrated skillset that people need to start doing more of.

Many times we have limiting beliefs that are preventing us from asking for help with things.

We aren’t sure if it’s going to work. We aren’t sure if it’s the right time, etc.

At the end of the day, just putting yourself out there and asking is always going to be better than not asking!

Many of us have childhood trauma in our lives - or even adult trauma from friends, family, and coworkers that have belittled us for asking questions. This made it a bad thing in our minds to ask questions. We were even punished or judged for asking “stupid things.”

There’s no such thing as stupid, bad questions.

Now, it’s possible to ask inappropriate questions, but you can’t let the fear of asking an inappropriate question keep you from asking!

Start asking for things that you want more often.

You are worth asking for things. You’re worth asking for help. You’re worth getting your needs met.

Don’t let anyone silence you or keep you from asking for things!