
How To Handle Getting Nervous While Selling

Nerves are a natural part of doing something new and learning new things.

If you've never sold many products or services before, dealing with nerves is a very normal part of that process.

Many times, you can overthink how it will go. You might consider all the ways it could go wrong. You might even be afraid of not selling anything at all.

The fastest way around these nerves is to do it scared and keep doing it!

You might say, "Easier said than done." As long as you believe it's easier said than done, your nerves will get the best of you.

You have to be willing to do things that make you nervous and scared in your business for you to make money.

The only way you will go to the next level is to do things that terrify you.

Fear doesn't control you unless you allow it to.

You will have to put yourself out there and probably look stupid the first few times you sell something! That's entirely, ok!

The more you do it, the better it'll get! But you have to take those steps forward.

If taking those steps forward, reaching out to people (even cold selling to get your feet wet) is too difficult to do, figure out why that is!

What belief do you have that telling you that doing so will hurt or destroy you? What pain are you avoiding feeling? Describe it. Give the feeling a name.

You'll most likely find that these beliefs will go back to some time or experience in your past where you decided never to do that thing that you are scared of doing! It might even be a painful experience.

Does cold reaching out to prospects on Facebook terrify you? Why is that? I'm not saying you have to, but think about that!

Maybe it's because you wouldn't feel comfortable if someone did the same to you. Why is that?

You have to look inside yourself to answer these questions.

None of us wants to be a pushy salesperson. And because of that, we often swing to the other direction of the spectrum.

It's ok to sell if people expect you to sell.

When you deal with nerves while selling, you have to keep selling to get past them.

Someone rejecting you in a sales interaction is not the end of the world. They just weren't a good fit. Let them go!

Keep doing it. Embrace getting rejected as "part of the process" - an essential and necessary part!

The more you do this, the more money you will make. Put it to the test and try it out.