Stop Overthinking And Start Taking Imperfect Action
For years, my habit was to come up with ideas and get stuck in my head processing through them. I was a chronic over-thinker because it was safer and less risky to think about ideas than to take action.
I used to get upset when people would say, "The world is for the doers" and "Dreams without action go nowhere."
Now, I'm one of those people saying the same thing - but with one KEY important addition: Action without dreams will die - so keep on dreaming big!
That said, we have to start taking action on things. We have to get out of our heads if we want to progress in our lives.
It can be a comfort zone, a response to trauma, a safety reaction, or we may even convince ourselves that it's a "wise planning method" to sit around, overthinking all the ways things can go wrong before taking action.
It's true. Failing to plan is planning to fail...
But sitting around always planning while never taking action is guaranteed to fail!
We can all accomplish far greater than we ever imagined by taking imperfect action than we will waiting until everything is going perfectly in our lives!
Here's an exercise for you: identity what your next step is. Take action on it.
Even if you haven't fully processed through or thought about how to take that action or what comes after it - take imperfect, unprocessed action towards your next step!
You don't have to complete your thought processes before taking action. Yes, I understand that it may be hard to grasp this fact right now.
If we can begin our thought process and then take action without having to figure everything out, it allows us to accomplish more in our business than sitting around processing and solving every problem that arises.
Taking action without all of the solutions figured out is the best thing you can do as a business owner.
It allows you to course-correct and adjust your plans as you go (which is the best thing to do) instead of being locked into one plan before you even begin!
This is the best path to take towards your goals that will get results.
I understand that reading this, everything inside of you may resist the idea of taking action without having all angles figured out yet.
I'd invite you to step out in faith and try it out.
Whatever fear or worry or "wisdom" tells you that it's wrong to do this, try to embrace the possibility of taking imperfect action in your life and your business.
This one thing will change everything for you. It may be the scariest thing you have ever done, but I genuinely believe that it's the type of breakthrough that will be worth it to open up many new doors and possibilities for you.
When you can identify your next step - and you start moving forward, taking action on it, even without every other step figured out yet, you'll soon experience an acceleration in your ability to develop new ideas and process through the right actions to make.
It might feel like your forgetting things, leaving them behind, or even dropping balls. But in fact, you're leaving all the distractions behind.
Change your perspective to realize that overthinking and overprocessing your actions is just a major distraction in your life that is preventing you from doing what you need to to reach your goals.
The time to take action is now, not later, towards your goals.
Will you please start taking action in your business?
Schedule a 15-minute call with me to talk about what actions to take in your business and strategize your next steps together at