Preparing For Your Best Black Friday Sale Ever

Black Friday is coming up. It's time to gear up and get ready!

It's an exciting time of year because it's an opportunity to connect with new customers and make some deals with people who've been holding out on buying what you have for sale!

 I love Black Friday sales and have helped spearhead multiple 6 and 7 figure Black Friday weekends online for years, so here's what I got to share for this year.

 Because of COVID-19, everyone's shopping online, so you got lots of competition from many retailers. That's why you have to start NOW with your preparations!

Don't wait. Start planning now!

I highly recommend that you start NOW preparing for your sales and deals. It takes time for ads to get approved, and you don't want to wait until the last minute for Black Friday deals.

When you launch a Black Friday deal, it can sometimes be a worry that you are devaluing what you offer by pricing it so low. This is just not the case with Black Friday. You get a "free pass," so to speak, from the perception that you devalue your products and services when you make a Black Friday sale!

I would recommend not lowering the price on your main flagships too much, and any new products that recently came out, not to discount these.

For everything else, going 50% off or more is a perfect move. You can also do BOGO deals. Throw in a little extra for people who "act now.”

The best plan is this:

1.) Make a single page on your website with all that you offer. A blog is my favorite to do this one, with all your deals in a row. Keep it simple; not super designed out or flashy with graphics, just links to register, and purchase each product or deal you offer.

2.) Set up an ad campaign with a simple Black image with red letters that directs people to that blog post

3.) Retarget all the traffic that goes to that post during the weekend.

You want to run the sale from Thursday – Cyber Monday – and maybe even a little bit after. I am thinking for some clients doing a 48 hour "Tuesday/Wednesday" deal for some people who didn't take the main promotions.

Keep in mind; the market competition means fewer eyeballs will see your offers, so you have to show up and demonstrate what you offer to people all month and through your deals.

Bonus round: You can repeat your Black Friday sale on New Years and make a New Years' countdown sale.

If you're not planning on running a Black Friday Sale or on the fence, I highly recommend it. Don't even think about It, do it!

If you need some help with your deals, schedule a free 15-minute call with me here:

You can also purchase coaching with me during my Flash Sale that I'm running on coaching until November 9th here: