Offering New Products And Services Will Grow Your Sales
Have you ever had success in your business, and then sales started to slow?
Or maybe you created momentum, and then things flatlined?
This is normal. It happens. It sucks, but it happens more often than you think.
Businesses stagnate. They stall. They fall flat sometimes.
The fastest way that I know that breaks any business owner out of this “rut” is by offering new products and services to their audience.
I see this kind of rut happen time and time again when a business owner promotes the same product or service over and over again to the same audience - and then wonders why they aren’t getting sales anymore.
Ask yourself an important introspective question: What does your customer need or are already paying for that you can offer people to make more money with?
Often, we can get stuck in “just doing things one way” that we allow our businesses to falter due to errors of pride.
There’s opportunity all around you to offer your audience and customers new products and services, but we get stuck on trying to get results in one thing that we miss what might be right in front of us.
This creates the “yo-yo” cycle that many business owners experience because of a lack of innovation.
The good news is, this cycle is natural - but that’s also the bad news!
When we become aware of this cycle, we can innovate our way out of these ruts by being honest with ourselves about what’s not working - and we can do to change it moving forward.
Spend some time, on purpose, coming up with ideas that can help your audience reach their goals.
What are they always asking questions about? What are their main struggles? What are some root causes of these struggles that your current product or service line isn’t currently servicing?
How can you help connect the missing dots for your customers with new products or services to help them?
Start thinking outside the box and the confines of what you’ve “always done” and go 10-15% outside of that box.
Create and innovate new products/services to offer your audience, and you’ll see your sales increase.
If you sell dog leashes, offering dog treats, and dog food, and dog sweaters, expanding your product line is a great way to make more money in your business!
Expand your horizons, what you’re offering, what your selling, and your sales will increase.
Don’t get so stuck trying to do things one specific way that you miss the infinite opportunities in front of you.
We can get so caught up in trying to “make something happen” instead of just going with the flow and innovating something new to offer our customers.
It’s time to break this pattern and start to create new ideas. Never at the expense of mismanaging our current resources and what we have going on, but for the purpose to further progress towards our goals.
We have to think several moves ahead. We have to plan several moves ahead. We have to start aiming towards these goals with our actions and keep moving the needle forward.
This, unfortunately, CAN lead to overwhelm and overthinking. Don’t get so caught up in overthinking and overplanning the process that you don’t take action, but rather - decide what’s one thing that you can do in the next 2-3 months to offer your customers or audience new, exciting ways to work with you or buy products from you?
When you start to think and build in this way, you can grow upward in your goals.
It’s a commitment you have to make. A decision to innovate and progress forward, to not stay stuck.
Will you make that commitment in your business? If you do, things will start to come together faster for you!
If you would like some help strategizing what offers to make and products to develop for your audience, schedule a free 15-minute call with me at:
You can also schedule time with me for one-on-one coaching.