Jeremiah Krakowski | Grow Your Coaching or Course business

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Beginners Guide To Practicing Visualization

When you visualize yourself doing the very thing you are stuck on, you activate yourself to take action on a level you never imagined.

Before I set out to write this blog post, I took 5-10 seconds, closed my eyes, and visualized myself writing it. Right now, I am doing the very thing that I am telling you to do.

This is a powerful practice that works no matter who you are, no matter what you are doing. Don't discount or discredit its value in your everyday life.

In your mind's eye, see yourself doing the activity BEFORE you are doing right before. Seconds before. I'm not talking about visualizing yourself being finished with the activity at all. Visualize yourself preparing and STARTING. Visualize what that starting step looks like.

Then, put your practice into action by doing the thing you visualize.

For many of you, this will be one of the hardest things you've ever done, and yet it'll be the most life-changing.

See yourself doing things that you've never done before. It's not delusional thinking, ideas of grandeur or psychosis of the mind woo crap because you're going to put it into action IMMEDIATELY.

Visualization is an activity that our military does, and athletes do. Top performers around the world visualize their actions.

Yet, for some reason, we feel like it's below us to do this practice. We think that it doesn't work, or 'I'm not that type of person."

What if you tried something you've never tried before?

Part of the reason certain practices like visualization are so hard is that we might be so invested in a world of NOT believing that visualization works at all that we are afraid to try it. We are invested in our reasons not to do them.

Don't allow pride and ego to keep you stuck. Don't let toxic beliefs and religion to keep you stuck.

When you see yourself doing something you've never done before, you activate certain parts of your body to prepare yourself to take action.

When it comes to writing, making social media content, blog posts, Facebook ads, courses, whatever you are doing – visualize yourself doing the activity.

See yourself taking the first step, and then start.

By the way, it's ok if you don't finish. It's ok if you struggle at it. It's ok if you don't do it correctly. Perfection is overrated.

You are a learner right now, learning something new. Embrace it the way you did when you were first learning to drive a car or ride a bike. You're going to mess up and make mistakes, and that's entirely by design.

When you start doing this practice of visualization more and more, your life will begin to change!

You will visualize yourself doing impossible things and then actually do them.

But this isn't going to happen just waiting until someday. The time to act is now. Don't make excuses or reasons why tomorrow is the time. Today is the time.

Visualize yourself doing something that you've been putting off for a long time, and then do it!

See yourself starting the process, and then go start in your real life.

Watch what happens. You'll be shocked, and then you can write to me and let me know how it goes!


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