
Create the perfect offer that connects with your audience and converts to sales! This is the difference between a successful business and wishful thinking!


Here’s the cold hard truth: a perfect offer is the "secret sauce" to selling online, more than funnels, website design, social media ads, copywriting or even a big email list!

When you learn how to create an Irresistible Offer That Sell, you’ll be able to command the kind of income online you've been dreaming of.

Whether you are a course creator, coach, ecommerce business owner, network marketer, author, speaker, influencer, real estate agent, or marketing agency owner, you can create a unique, effective, perfect offer that resonates with your target audience to get a flood of customers buying from you every single time you launch!

If you want to double or even triple your conversion rates, or just get your first sale, you have to learn how to make attractive offers that people want to buy!


This plug and play system is what I've used for the last six years to create over 150 offers that have sold millions of dollars online.

In this course, for the first time ever, I am giving you my complete framework that I've used with my private consulting and coaching clients to generate 7 figures in their businesses. 

I debated selling this course for $4997, but decided to release it to you for just a fraction of that cost: just $997 for a limited time!

Plus, I’m taking all the risk by offering you a 30-day unconditional money back guarantee!

Isn't it time you started creating Irresistible Offers That Sell instead of struggling to get sales in your business?

A little bit me:

My name is Jeremiah Krakowski and I've been building offers on the internet for the last 13 years! I've successfully helped build and launched over 150 offers online during that time, some of which have generated multiple 7 figures in sales for my clients and companies I’ve worked for!

I want to show you exactly how to create offers that sell online in your business so that you can end the guess work and start making a profit right away!

A killer, perfect offer does these 5 things:

  1. Grabs the attention of your target customer.

  2. Tells the story of your customer's future experience.

  3. Presents it in a way that makes sense.

  4. Creates "buy in" about what you are selling.

  5. Leads them to convert to a sale effortlessly.

Yet very few marketers and business owners know how to do this well!

I get it… It can be so hard, getting everything ready to launch, creating your website, landing page, funnel, ads…

Only to get no sales or results! What is going on here? 


Unfortunately, the best products or services with a bad offer will never get sales. I don't care how good your product is, if your offer doesn’t connect, even if you have great ads, you won't close sales.

I want to help change all this for you!

With just a few simple tweaks, you can turn a dead launch into a thriving, converting profit generating offer (giving you 3-10x return on your ad spend!)

Creating a successful offer is all about connecting your target customer's desires and delivering to them what they want.

When you do this, your target customer will be saying "yes, this resonates with me,” entering their credit card into your website to purchase what you are selling!

The profit is in the offer! I want to show you how to create offers that sell!

If your tired of putting your product out there to crickets with no one buying from you, then Irresistible Offers That Sell is the answer you've been looking for.

I’m confident that after you go through this course, you know exactly how to create offers that people want every single time to sell online!

I walk you through the entire process, start to finish, of building profitable offers that sell online!

There’s no more guesswork.

Just follow this course and you will know exactly how to create Irresistible Offers That Sell!

Here's just a taste of what you will learn:

  • Connecting qualified buyers to your offer!

  • Designing the type of offers your audience can’t say no to.

  • Communicating your value to your audience clearly.

  • Connecting with your customers using your website to close sales.

  • Delivering on the promises you make effectively.

  • What types of offers convert the most often.

  • How to stack your offers for maximum impact long term.

  • Finding your unique lane of genius with your offer.

  • Framing your offer to get higher conversions!

  • Making your offer unique to you and your audience to get the most sales.

  • Setting yourself up for success in the future

  • Crafting headlines that generate 7 figures

  • Storytelling that emotionally grabs your audience to buy from you.

  • Using 5-Day Challenges to get more sales quickly.

  • Growing your email list faster with the right opt-in sequence.

  • Getting more membership subscribers that stay long term.

  • Closing high ticket coaching with a simple 2 step process.

  • Designing the entire customer journey start to finish.

  • Pricing your offer for maximum impact and revenue.

  • Demonstrating your value so that people buy from you

  • Making sure your offer is unique and gets results.

  • Creating a hook that is simply irresistible to your prospects

  • Launching a bestseller online with book offers.

  • Prequalifying agency leads so you don’t waste time.

  • Building high-level rapport with strategic offer touchpoints.

  • Using email marketing to connect with more buyers faster.

  • What type of follow-up campaigns convert sales, even from a lukewarm audience.

  • Outsourcing your offer building at the lowest cost.

  • How to sell without case studies or testimonials in the beginning.

  • What type of offers turn people off to you and how to avoid them!

  • Creating a customer-centric offer based on your customer’s desires.

  • Reading the mind of your customer to know what to sell them.

  • Getting people to engage and read your offers every time.

  • Creating new offers that won’t burn out your audience!

  • Unique Network Marketing offer strategies that aren’t slimy or scammy.

  • Ecommerce strategies to get the most sales of your products online.

  • Turning ebooks into sales online with ebook journey offers.

  • The proper way to use webinars in 2020 without overcomplicating the process.

  • The exact words to say and write that get people to buy from you online.

  • Deciding between high ticket and low ticket for your products and services.

  • Selling more courses with unique course offer strategies that convert!

  • Pivoting into new markets with a new audience from scratch.

  • How to start out totally fresh even if you’ve never sold online.

  • Leading your audience to purchase from you now, and in the future.

  • What upsells convert the best for increasing lifetime value.

  • How to package bonuses to get more profit per transaction.

  • Naming your offer for maximum results and stickiness.

  • Turning raw traffic into sales from ads

  • Casting vision for the outcome your audience can expect the right way.

  • Writing sales copy that converts on your landing pages.

  • The best platforms to use for your offer.

  • Planning 3 offers ahead of time to max out your revenue.

  • Creating case studies and testimonials when you’re starting out.

… And Much More!

These are just some of the clients we get to serve every day!

Here’s What Real People Like You Had To Say About Working With Me One On One And After Buying My Other Hit Course “Social Media Ads That Work”


“Jeremiah’s genius has resulted in multiple 7 figures worth of revenue, I can’t recommend him higher!”

-Rick Pino

“I started to be able to bring it all together to have alot more clarity and focus!”

We helped Dawn go from $0 to $25k in sales during the pandemic!

-Dawn Palacios


Jeremiah helped me quickly identified where my struggles were to get clearer on my brand and brand messaging!

-Lillian Taylor

Jeremiah helped me realize what business fit me better, that I believed in to be authentic in business!

-Jeff Krohn


Are you ready to get started? Let's go!

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This course includes everything you need to create the perfect offer that gets more sales in your business!

The cost of this course is regularly $4997 - yours for just $997 for a limited time!

  • Over 8 hours of Hands-On Video Lessons broken down into 15 chapters containing easy to follow lessons.

  • Advanced Learning Platform Tracks Your Progress while your learning. Includes notes and written training with each video lesson.

  • 67 Page Course Notes for your to print out and follow along with as well as mark places you want to remember.

  • Lifetime Access To All Of The Training Materials. We will maintain your access forever so you never have to worry about losing anything!

  • Lifetime Updates As We Add New Lessons. You will get access to these new lessons as we add them!

Start Creating Perfect Offers That Convert To Sales!


Join the Client Growth Accelerator to Get Access


Jeremiah’s 30 Day Money Back
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I want to remove your risk from registering by putting my own money behind this course for you because I believe it contains everything you need to reach your goals. Go through the entire course, put it to work, without worrying if it’s worth it or not.


If, within 30 days of your original purchase date, you do not feel completely satisfied with this course, just write to me, and I’ll will gladly refund you the amount that you paid for this course.

Please Note: If after 30 days, you request a refund, your request will be denied. If you happen to re-register for the course a second time after receiving a refund, you will not be eligible for any future refunds on this course.

Important Earnings and Income Disclaimer:

Jeremiah is a professional marketer and his results are not typical. Your experience, background, and education may effect your application of his strategies. Information display are examples and not guarantees of results. This company does not currently know the typical results of its customers. Your results may vary.