In this episode, we explore the importance of taking action in your business and how to overcome common obstacles that hold people back, such as the fear of failure, perfectionism, and analysis paralysis. We discuss the value of seizing moments of inspiration and turning them into action, as well as the importance of being adaptable, flexible, and willing to take risks. We also touch on the role of trust and confidence in decision making, and the benefits of embracing failure and using it as a learning opportunity. Tune in to learn how to overcome these challenges and take bold, decisive action in your business.
197: Taking Your Business to The Next Level - #GrowYourLife
In this episode we talk about having a vision for your next level in business, and how to deal with disappointment.
These are some strategies that helped me succeed in my business.
196: Overcoming Fear Of The Unknown with Lila Z Rose - #GrowYourLife
On this episode of the "Grow Your Life" podcast, host Jeremiah Krakowski interviews Lila Z Rose, a coach who helps people tap into their own genius and overcome fear to accomplish their goals. They discuss the importance of vulnerability and authenticity in building a coaching business and share tips on how to get started, including finding a niche and building a supportive network.
195: From Hesitation To Action: Overcoming Technology Fears - #GrowYourLife
In this episode of the Grow Your Life podcast, host Jeremiah Krakowski discusses the importance of breaking up with hesitation for coaches and course creators. He shares tips for building an effective marketing funnel and encourages listeners to not be intimidated by technology as it can be a valuable tool for growing a coaching or course business.
194: Unlocking Your Potential By Overcoming Perfectionism with Venniece Robbins
In this podcast episode, we'll be discussing the topic of perfectionism and how it can hold us back from achieving our goals. We'll be exploring a powerful technique for overcoming our limiting beliefs and tapping into our true potential. Join us as we discuss how to overcome the fears and insecurities that prevent us from achieving success and unlock your true potential.
193: The Mindset To Create Financial Abundance
In today's episode, I'll be sharing a powerful framework for achieving your goals and transforming your life. This framework has helped me and many of my clients reach multiple six and seven figures in their businesses. We'll be discussing the importance of having a vision for the life you want, the power of congratulating yourself for every accomplishment, and how to break out of your pre-wired survival mechanisms to step into a thriving framework. Tune in to learn how to achieve success and abundance in your life.
192: Inside A Million Dollar Per Month Coaching Funnel Revealed
We’ve worked with multiple clients who have build million dollar per month coaching businesses. In this episode I break down inside how one of the clients we worked with reached that million dollar per month level, and how you can follow the same path do the same yourself!
191: Picking A Profitable Course Topic Or Coaching Niche
The riches are in the niches. Having a profitable niche is the most important part of coaching online or building an online course. Otherwise you won’t have any paid clients!
In this episode I give you my framework for finding the most profitable niche and picking the best course topics that make the most money!
By sure to download my Top 100 niches PDF here:
190: Scaling A Coaching Business To $10k/Month - #GrowYourLife
In this episode of the #GrowYourLife podcast, Jeremiah Krakowski encourages entrepreneurs to take risks in order to build their businesses. He advises against being afraid to choose a niche and to write one's offer copy. He also notes that there is no certainty in business, and that risk is part of the process.
189: Write Better Sales Copy That Connects To Get More Paid Clients - #GrowYourLife
In this episode of the #GrowYourLife podcast, we discuss how to understand your target customer and what frustrations they may have. We also talk about how to communicate problems and solutions in your copy, and why highlighting how your product or service is the best chance for the prospect to succeed is essential. When writing copy, it's crucial to focus on the problem that the prospect is having, and to be confident and empathetic in your approach. Additionally, it's important to be honest and frank with prospects without discouraging them from working with you.
If you're looking for help writing effective copy that connects with your audience, this episode is for you.
188: Breaking Free From From The Need For Approval - #GrowYourLife
In this episode, we discuss the importance of communication and how to be successful when selling oneself or coaching others. We emphasize the importance of not defending oneself when someone is a naysayer, as this will only make the individual appear insecure and unconfident. Furthermore, we provide five reasons why defending oneself is not an effective communication strategy.
187: What High-Earning Coaches & Course Creators Do Differently - #GrowYourLife
In this episode, we discuss the need for certainty and how it can hold people back from achieving success.
We talk about how most people struggle with this need, and how the top 1% of achievers graduate out of needing certainty or someone to tell them what to do. We explore some tips on how to overcome this need, and discuss the benefits of doing so.
186: Speaking Your Target Clients Language Better - #GrowYourLife
In business, it’s important to speak our clients language. Your clients use words all of their own that influence them to take action.
In this episode I show you how to make sure you’re actually speaking to the right person - and how to make sure that you’re attracting more sales to your business
185: Growing Your Email List With Virtual Events - #GrowYourLife
Right now, the best way to grow your email list, and sell more of your coaching and courses is virtual events.
Live events, 1 day, 3 day events, pre-recorded events, all have the same concept in mind:
Get in front of the right people who will buy from you, deliver value, and then present an offer for them to buy.
In this episode, I break down the virtual event framework that is working for our clients to make 6, 7 and even 8 figures!
Check out some of the virutal events we put on as well as join the waiting list for our group coaching program at
184: How To Stop Letting Fear Control You - #GrowYourLife
Does the fear just feel like it’s too much for you to move forward? Is fear running your preventing you from taking action in your business?
In this episode I share with you how you can break past the fear in your life to see the results you’ve always wanted!
We can’t let fear run us anymore, we’ve been letting it do so for too long! It’s time to break past the fear in your life and take your life to the next level!
183: Practicing More Patience & Compassion When Coaching - #GrowYourLife
In this episode of the #GrowYourLife podcast, we'll be discussing the importance of not criticizing or finding fault in others, but to offer compassion, understanding and advice when asked. Coaches should be patient in helping people grow and should provide opportunities for people to ask questions.
182: Handling Negativity, Hate and Trolls Online - #GrowYourLife
It's no secret that the internet can be a negative place. There are trolls and haters lurking around every corner, ready to pounce on anyone who dares to step out of line. It can be easy to get caught up in the negativity and hatefulness.
In this episode of the Grow Your Life podcast, we're discussing how to handle negativity online. I'll be giving you tips and tricks for dealing with trolls and haters, and we'll also be discussing the role of faith and confidence in these situations.
If you're struggling to deal with negativity online, this episode is for you!
181: Strengthening Your Mind & Body To Change Your Life & Business with Becki Siconolfi - #GrowYourLife
Are you struggling to make lasting changes in your life? Do you feel like you're always falling short of your goals? Are you using unhealthy methods of motivation that aren't sustainable in the long run?
If so, this episode is for you. Join us as we discuss how to achieve success using healthier methods, based on love and self-acceptance. We'll also talk about the importance of setting up systems that allow for sustainable progress, and how to deal with the difficulties of change.
So don't give up - tune in and learn how to achieve success your own way!
Check out Becki's website here:
180: Taking Massive Action While You’re Still Learning - #GrowYourLife
In this episode, Jeremiah Krakowski discusses the importance of taking action and being held accountable in order to achieve success in business.
Jeremiah also mentions that it's important to be humble and have personal responsibility in order to achieve success, which can be difficult after being dealt a hard blow. However, he emphasizes that it is possible to get past this and continue learning if you are willing to go through the grief process.
Finally, he recommends seeking out help from others who are successful in order to learn what it takes to be successful.
179: What Is A Funnel & How To Build One Fast - #GrowYourLife
In this episode I talk about building funnels, what funnels are and give a simple blueprint of how you can use them to grow your business.
Most people have said that once they learn these key elements about online business and funnels, that it helped everything make sense to them!
I mentioned in the episode a previous Episode #169, so you can watch this episode here:
Here is a link to the PDF mentioned in the episode:
To contact Steven Robbins about Funnel Building services go here: