178: Overcoming Fear and Taking Steps Forward with Jason Philips - #GrowYourLife

In this episode Jason Philips and I explore how to overcome fear and take the first steps towards starting your own business.

We discuss the importance of asking questions and learning what you don't know. Additionally, we talk about how to find helpful connections and resources.

Fear is to be expected, but it's important to stay positive and focused on what is possible. Taking small steps is essential!

177: Charging What You’re Worth with Jim Landers - #GrowYourLife

In today's episode, we're going to be talking about how to find ideal clients and charge what you're worth.

Many people find it difficult to get people to pay what they're asking for their services, but with the right guidance, you can learn how to succeed in this industry.

So if you're looking to start a business or want to make more money with your current one, be sure to listen in!

175: Finding Your Niche For Courses & Coaching - #GrowYourLife

Some people wonder "What should I make a course or coaching program about?" or "How can I find my most profitable niche?"

This episode will give you a blueprint for answering those two questions so you can make money in one of the most profitable online businesses on the planet.

If you're also curious about other ways to make money online, check out episode #150 where I go over the multiple ways to make money online in 2022: jeremiahkrakowski.com/grow-your-life-podcast/150-ideas-for-online-businesses-that-you-can-start-in-2022-growyourlife

174: Having The Best Energy & Mindset When Selling with Jimmie Blake - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, Jimmie Blake and I talk about the work that she does as a coach using horses with the people she coaches. Jimmie shares what she's learned about mental health, the energy we bring into sales situations, and how to find healthy friends along the way that support us! In this episode, you'll find strategies for living the life you've always wanted, and having the business you've always dreamed of!

Check out Jimmie Blake at: https://www.rayofhoperanch.com/

173: Dealing With Narcissists In Business with Angie Rorrer - #GrowYourLife

Are you struggling with a narcissist in your business? Do you feel like you can't get ahead because of them? Are you constantly feeling belittled and dismissed? If so, then this episode is for you.

In today's episode, we discuss the difficulties and dangers that can come with working with narcissists in business. We talk about how to protect yourself from their abuse and how to maintain your self-esteem and confidence. We also discuss how to draw the line between what is and is not manipulative marketing, and how to maintain a pure heart in your actions. So if you're feeling stuck or frustrated, this episode is for you!

Check out Angie here: angieroars.com

172: Increase Your Energy, Live Happier & Be More Productive with Dawn Palacios - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, one of my coaching clients, Dawn Palacios shares her secrets to financial and life success as a coach. Dawn reveals simple things you can do to have more energy and have a healthier, more productive mind. She goes into detail about her most vulnerable experiences and how they led to her having massive profitability in your coaching business. revealing how diet and exercise can help you have more energy as well as a healthier mind. If you're a coach or course creator, this episode will make you more money!

Check out Dawn Palacios at: https://www.pauldawn.com

171 - How To Create Healthy Relationships with Rae Jenkins - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, Rae Jenkins, who was rejected, abandoned and abused as a child, who lived through horrible relationships as an adult - her and I discuss how to have healthy relationships with others by respecting and loving yourself

We'll also be talking about the importance of being willing to put in the work to maintain those relationships. Lastly, we'll be giving advice on where to find help if you're struggling or dealing with issues.

Check out Rae’s website at: isupportsuperwomen.com/

170: Secrets To Being A High-Performing Coach with Joshua Giles - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, I discuss with Joshua Giles how to become a high-performing individual. We talk about how to take care of your mental, and physical health, maintain energy levels, and staying motivated to build your coaching business. You will be inspired to take radical action, and not give up only your dreams to start to reap huge benefits! Be sure to check out more about Joshua and his wife Dee Giles at: https://www.firebrandglobal.org

169: Funnels That Make 7 Figures For Coaches with Steven Robbins - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, Steven Robbins and I discuss how to create a successful funnel very quickly - and easily!

We've both worked together building multiple 7-figure funnels, and what to show you how you can do so as well! We will show you how to make your funnel alight with your ideal target customer.

We also go over the importance of getting your messaging right and how this works together with your funnel.

Results may vary, we've seen increases of over 500% from the lessons in this episode with our 7-figure clients.

To download the PDF of the funnels from this episode, click here.

To contact Steven Robbins about Funnel Building services go here:

168: Creating Social Media Content That Gets Results with David Willis - #GrowYourLife

In this episode of the Grow Your Life Podcast, David Willis and I discuss how to overcome perfectionism and start producing social media content that gets results. We explain that it's important to take action and get repetitions in, in order to find what works best. We also give recommendations for paying attention to engagement metrics in order to determine what is resonating with viewers.

By taking these steps, you can start producing content that connects with your audience and helps you achieve your business goals. So if you're ready to grow your coaching or training business using social media content, be sure to listen to this episode!

Follow David Willis at: instagram.com/davidwillisco

166: Exactly What To Say In Your TikTok & Instagram Videos - #GrowYourLife

Have you been wanting to start using TikTok and Instagram videos to grow your business, but you don't know what to say? Most people struggle with what to say in their videos, which is why they never start using them. Without videos, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to reach new customers. In this episode I show you what to say in your videos so that you can achieve the best results.

Get a free trial of Jasper.ai here: www.jasper.ai/free-trial?fpr=jeremykrak

164: The Very-Beginners Guide To Internet Marketing For Course Creators, Coaches and Trainers - #GrowYourLife

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If you're a course creator, trainer, author or coach, and want to know how to use the internet to get more customers, this will show you the VERY BEGINNER BASICS of where to start using the internet to get more customers.

I break it down in the very simplest of info for you, so that you don't have to wonder "what's the best starting place."

163: Writing Emails That Get Opened and Read - #GrowYourLife

Email is still one of the most important tools in a salesperson's arsenal, but it can be difficult to stand out in a crowded inbox.

In this episode, we'll show you how to write emails that stand out from the rest.

We'll also give you a blueprint for writing effective emails that get results.

Tune in to learn how to write great emails that get opened, read, and make sales.

Get a free trial of Jasper.ai here: jasper.ai/free-trial?fpr=jeremykrak

161: The Ultimate Funnel Blueprint: Start To Finish - #GrowYourLife

Creating a sales funnel is essential for success as a course creator or coach. This episode shows you exactly how, and the process to take.

Here are some follow-up videos you can watch that will help you as well:

1. Creating an offer that sells online: youtube.com/watch?v=W8bBZNv1NZc&t=393s

2. How does social media content get you more customers: youtube.com/watch?v=Paqg1zRPjwo

3. How to make profitable video ads: youtube.com/watch?v=qISws9cGzUY

4. How to run ad campaigns: youtube.com/watch?v=phu63dSBJO4

5. How to close any sale: youtube.com/watch?v=It1ONrbWrHI

160: Victim Mindset No More! - #GrowYourLife

In this episode I talk about the victim mindset, and breaking up with blaming others and using our past as an excuse to hold us back.

No longer is that something that you are called to do.

No more sulking, feel the pain the HEAL, not sit in it!

It's time to break up with the mindset that everything is someone else's fault! We must take personal responsibility if we want to change our lives.