157: Time Management That Actually Works For Busy Entrepreneurs - #GrowYourLife

If you're a busy entrepreneur, you know how hard it is to find time to do things! If you have kids, it becomes even more difficult.

While I don't have kids, I do take into account the increased level of stress that comes into play when you have kids.

These strategies are tested and proven to work no matter what situation you operate in your life!

I believe that this episode will help you find more time by changing how you do certain things - and help you make healthy choices to start to see better results in your business.

156: Build & Launch Your Own Course Or Coaching Business - #GrowYourLife

Discover exactly how to build a successful course or coaching business. I've been in this industry for over 19 years and want to show you how we've created over 150 profitable courses and sold $10s of millions in coaching online.

Sell without high-pressure sales tactics and have customers who absolutely love what they buy using what I teach! After listening to this you will know how to find the right customers and sell without high-pressure tactics!

Try Jasper.ai for free here: jasper.ai/free-trial?fpr=jeremykrak

154: How To Courageously Communicate Expectations In Business - #GrowYourLife

It's not a sexy topic, but it's very important. Unfulfilled expectations based off of misunderstandings, miscommunication, and even unspoken "contracts" that people 'expect' based off goodwill and reciprocation are the biggest root causes of frustrations and headaches in business.

In this episode, I break down how to be more courageous in communicating expectations.

If someone gets angry at you for communicating expectations, that's a huge red flag that you should not be doing business with that person at all because they plan on taking advantage of you in the long run, but will often complain the opposite "How could you think I would do that to you" up front. HUGE red flag. It's very sneaky and manipulative and must be addressed up front.

152: Overcoming Perfectionism - #GrowYourLife

Perfectionism is one of the most destructive strategies for dealing with life that a business owner can have.

This is why it's crucial to practice overcoming perfectionism if we want to succeed in business.

Overcoming perfectionism is one of the most effective ways to turn from a low achiever to a high achiever.

In this episode, I break down how you can overcome perfectionism effectively.

151: What's Most Important For Online Coaches with Rick Pino

This weeks episode is an incredible treat. I got to interview worship leader, coach and founder at WorshipCoach.com, Rick Pino about what's most important for coaches online!

We discuss:

*How Rick has built multiple 7 figure businesses, without neglecting his family or faith!

*What Rick wished he knew when he first started selling courses and coaching online.

*The #1 thing every course creator and coach must do in their business to succeed.

You don't want to miss this episode.

149: Transitioning From Corporate Employee To Entrepreneur - #GrowYourLife

When I went on the journey of going from corporate to entrepreneur, I had to unlearn many of the success strategies that I learned along the way.

In this episode, I teach you from my experience what has to happen if you want to become a successful entrepreneur after leaving your corporate job.

Many of your tried and true strategies for success won't work, and it's time to upgrade your toolkit.

148: How We Use Artificial Intelligence To Write Everything - #GrowYourLife

There's no better way to work smarter instead of harder than using simple, modern artificial intelligence tools to assist with everyday tasks.

In this episode, I show you how anyone can write better, even if you suck at writing, using artificial intelligence!

Note: After recording this video, “Jarvis” renamed their brand to “Jasper” - It’s the same app, new brand name.

Try Jasper for free here (my affiliate link that I will earn a commission off of):

Claim your 10,000 word free trial of Jasper

147: The Mindset You Need To Increase Your Income - #GrowYourLife

Your self-belief and how much you believe you can make determines how much money you will make in your life! It's like a limiter on your income!

In this episode, I show you how to increase the limiter on your income and what you need to do to start thinking in a way that is productive towards making more money!

You can make more money than you ever have in your life, but it starts with what you believe in your head!

144: A New Year Of Self-Discipline And Focus - #GrowYourLife

Self-discipline and focus are the keys to you reaching your financial goals. Without these, you might as well give up even trying.

In this episode, we talk about ways you can take your life into your own hands and make a change. We explore how I've been able to do that and what struggles you might face along the way.

We also discuss ways to avoid self sabotage through discipline, accountability, and goal setting - both big goals as well as small ones. This is not about resolutions but about staying accountable for our actions every day so that we can reach those bigger goals in 2022!