107: Unlocking Your Ability To Dream For Your Future Again - #GrowYourLife

For many of us, we've forgotten how to dream again!

This happens commonly when we've been through a lot in life, it takes a toll on that part of us.

In this episode, I walk you through unlocking that part of you again so that you can start to have more dreams and vision again.

For many of us, we've forgotten how to dream again!This happens commonly when we've been through a lot in life, it takes a toll on that part of us.In this ep...

101: Stacking Multiple Offers To 10X Your Sales - #GrowYourLife

In this episode I go over the idea of stacking offers and putting offers inside of your offers.

You never want to miss an opportunity to make a "Call To Action" in your business, to let people know what you have to offer.

But you want to make sure that it fits into what you're doing and makes sense. That's what this episode is all about, how to build offers into everything you're doing!

Grab my new course, Irresistible Offers That Sell here: jeremiahkrakowski.com/irresistible-offers-that-sell

100: The Power Of New Customers Over Old Ones - #GrowYourLife

For you to build a business that is growing, you have to connect with new people. We can't build a business on all the existing people in our customer base, we have to be reaching out and finding new bodies who will buy from us!

You can do this in a variety of ways, with ads, joint ventures, media appearances, but the one I know how to do the most is ads!

In this episode I help you discover how to get those new people and the benefits that getting new people in your business with have.

Check out my courses, Social Media Ads That Work here: jeremiahkrakowski.com/social-media-ads-that-work

and Irresistible Offers That Sell here: jeremiahkrakowski.com/irresistible-offers-that-sell

Schedule a free 15 minute call with me here: jeremiahkrakowski.com/freecall

99: How Qualifying Your Customers Lowers Cost and Increases Sales - #GrowYourLife

When you qualify - and disqualify - buyers from non-buyers in your business, you're able to put your efforts towards the most effective direction.

This is a strategy I've been using with my one-on-one coaching clients and consulting clients that has had amazing financial results.

In this episode I walk you through how to qualify people with the words you say and write to lower your cost and get more sales in your business.

Schedule a free 15 minute call with me here: jeremiahkrakowski.com/freecall

98: Move Past Uncertainty When Launching Your Business - #GrowYourLife

If you’ve ever decided to start a business, you know the feeling when you’re about to launch, and uncertainty of “is this going to work out” or “will people actually buy from me” comes in!

In this episode I want to help you save 5-10 years off your business journey by moving past that uncertainty so that you can start to gain momentum in your business!

The people who are financially successful act without certainty or guarantees, and that’s what you’re going to have to start doing to shift your financial future.

Schedule a free 15 minute call with me here to talk about your business: jeremiahkrakowski.com/freecall

97: Help Your Struggling Sales With These Moves - #GrowYourLife

The world has changed in 2021. You will either have to adjust, or your business will die.

In this episode I walk you through how to figure out what adjustments to make and how to get more sales in 2021 in our "new normal" on the internet.

Whether your life it or not, you can't escape the truth of the world changing - you can either complain and stay broke, or move in a different direction and thrive! This episode will help you know exactly how to make those shifts.

Schedule a free 15 minute call with me at: jeremiahkrakowski.com/freecall

96: Taking A Leap Of Faith In Your Business - #GrowYourLife

You're going to have to do things that scare you to reach your financial goals. You're going to have to take leaps of faith, without knowing how things are going to turn out for you to reach your goals.

Many of us allow our limitations or environment to decide our future. In this episode, I walk you through what has helped me break past my fears and take these big leaps in my life and business.

In this episode, I borrow some of the teachings from "The Big Leap" by Gay Hendricks, one of my favorite books. Check the book out here:

Check out "The Big Leap" here: amzn.to/362g8dm

94: Top Strategies For Making More Money Online In 2021 - #GrowYourLife

Here in the new year, some things are changing in how to make money online!

I want to give you the top strategies that are working right now for myself and my coaching clients to get sales! If you apply these, you will see an increase in your results from your marketing and sales efforts this year!

Check out my brand new course "Irresistible Offers That Sell" here to learn even more ways to create offers that connect with your target customer to get them to buy from you online: jeremiahkrakowski.com/irresistible-offers-that-sell

93: Killing Self-Sabotage In Your Marketing Efforts - #GrowYourLife

In this episode, I show you how to stop procrastinating and start taking disciplined, consistent action in your marketing efforts.

This is something I actually struggled with for years and finally broke through to where it's not an issue.

Now, everything is seamless, consistent and things are flowing for me! I believe this will help you sell more products and make more money in your business by applying what I talk about in this episode.

Schedule a free 15 minute call with me at: jeremiahkrakowski.com/freecall

92: Easy Framework For Creating Content People Want - #GrowYourLife

Your content creation doesn't have to be complicated. The way I produce so much content is I've simplified the entire process to where I barely spend any time at all coming up with it!

In this episode I give you a framework for making content that your audience wants.

Stop spending hours coming up with content and follow this simple process that I lay out in this episode.

If you'd like to schedule a free 15 minute call with me to go over your content strategy, do so here: jeremiahkrakowski.com/freecall

91: Kickstart Your Sales By Offering New Stuff - #GrowYourLife

If your sales have stalled, offering new products and services can be a great way to kickstart your revenue in your business.

In this episode I show you how to come up with what to offer your customers that they will buy from you.

Businesses grow by expanding their product lines and offering new stuff, products and services is one of the best ways to keep things growing upward.

Schedule a free 15 minute call with me here to strategize your business growth: jeremiahkrakowski.com/freecall