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Your Niche: How To Find And Make Money From It

Your Niche: How To Find And Make Money From It

At the beginning of building my business, I thought that having a niche wasn't so important. After all, I can help all business owners, right?

I had a heart and a desire to help as many people as possible after all.

I realized very fast that this wasn't the case. Most of whom I was trying to reach was very much not connecting with me!

When I gave up the "crown" of being all things to all people and started focusing on my niche, sales became much easier!

We have to give up the "noble" need to help everyone and niche down.

In this article, I'm going to walk you through finding your niche in business so that you can "stay in love" with what you do. 

I'll show you how to narrow down your industry/product, identify the kind of client most likely to buy what you have for sale, and even give you some specific strategies on how to market yourself.

Let me make something very clear before we get started, however…

If you are interested in finding a niche, it has everything to do with how well you can "fit" with the target market, not about how good you are at what you do.

I'll show you how to fit into your niche and make money from it as well…

First, let's cover some background on what a niche is and why it's essential to choose one.

What Is A Niche, And Why Does It Matter?

One of the biggest rookie mistakes that newbs make is that they want to be all things to all people. They think that if they're good enough, it won't matter what niche they choose because anyone who needs their service can find them and buy from them.

If you think that, then I'm afraid to say that you're dead wrong.

Your niche isn't just what you do… It's whom you do it for.

Just like a carpenter or an electrician can be seen as a "niche" because they are good at the specific service of carpentry or electrical work, you are a "niche" because you offer specific clients a particular set of value.

The more specific that set of values is, the better it fits your niche.

The best part of finding your niche, you can charge more money by targetting to your niche.

A product sold mass market is often sold much cheaper than one for a specific niche!

Why is that?

Well, for two reasons:

1. You can charge more since there's a smaller market of people who want it.

2. People who are interested in your niche will be more involved and knowledgeable about the product.

They'll have higher expectations from you and be willing to pay more because they're getting exactly what they want.

If you think that having a niche means that you have to specialize, you're dead mistaken again.

Specializing in one little thing means that you will only ever reach a tiny audience who wants your specific service, product, or value. 

Finding your niche is about connecting with the correct specific group of target customers that will most likely buy from you and wants to do business with you.

Finding your niche is a lot easier than you would think!

You Must Believe In Your Niche

If you don't fully believe in the products or services you are selling, why would anyone else?

How can you sell something that doesn't excite you? 

If you can't get excited about it, why would anyone else?

You have to believe in what you are selling, no matter how "generic" it may seem. If you are selling an idea, then there isn't anything behind it.

The best kind of support comes from someone who truly believes in their product because they know exactly what their customers need to hear and when they need to listen to it.

I've worked with people who did something so simple as cleaning homes but believed wholeheartedly that they were changing people's lives by empowering their clients to get more out of life.

I've worked with others who did something not nearly as interesting, like selling candles, but yet believed wholeheartedly that they were making the world a better place by giving people an affordable luxury in this crazy fast-paced society that never gives them a moment to relax enjoy their surroundings.

You must fully believe in the products or services you are selling, but more importantly, you need to believe in yourself...

And if you don't, you have no business doing what I'm about to show you next because it will be very hard for you if you do not honestly believe 100%.

You Have To Be Actively Involved In Using Or Doing Things Inside Of Your Niche

Even if you are selling an idea, then you have to be actively involved in that idea. It can't just be "out there" for people to see.

It has to be a part of every single thing that you do because only by being actively involved in YOUR NICHE can you connect with your BUYERS successfully.

People will know when you're not engaged or interested because the language and actions won't feel natural.

You'll come across as fake, phony, trying too hard…and no one likes that!

If you're selling a product, then you have to be using it and loving it.

You can't just say, "Oh yeah, this is so great, and that's why I'm selling it."

Pick the best products-the ones that will really solve your customers' problems or meet their needs somehow. Then use them yourself.

Immerse yourself in the world of your target niche.

Let it become a part of you, and you become a part of it!

Have A Long Term Vision For Your Niche That's Bigger Than You

Once you start to understand your niche and connect with them in a meaningful way, then it's time for you to think about the bigger picture.

What do you want this group of people that trust you so much to do? What will they be doing in 5 years? Ten years?

You don't have to have all of the answers. You need enough understanding of where your target market is going so that you can guide them along the way instead of pushing them out front without any direction whatsoever.

You must dream big and have big dreams for your niche. If you don't, then who will?

Who else looks at this group of people that need what you offer and sees a world-class rock star?

You can! After all, you've already gotten past the first two challenging hurdles. Now you need to see some light at the end of the tunnel and bring your dream to life.

Start To Market To Your Niche

Now that you understand who your niche is, what problems they have, how they think, where they are going, and why YOU should be the one to lead them there, now it's time for you to market to them.

It's time for you to start telling stories about all of the great things that YOU can do for THEM because YOU get IT! You get their challenges better than anyone else in this world because YOU went through it too!

You've already done most of the work because YOU built your expertise up by getting involved in YOUR NICHE. 

Now YOU need to share everything YOU know with everyone else out there...the ones who will finally be able to WOW their customers after having struggled for so long without knowing what to do or whom to turn to.

YOU are that solution!

Remember the stories of the people you met along your journey? 

Make them even more amazing by sharing YOUR story with others.

People will be able to relate because YOU understand them, they see it in everything YOU do, and they feel it when THEY connect with YOU on a deeper level.

You'll be an inspiration to everyone else out there struggling too...

People will approach you at events and conferences telling you how your content helped change their lives...and...they'll want what you have too!

That's a right-a whole new group of potential clients for YOU now as well as your original target market.

All because YOU decided it was time for things to change...YOU decided it was time for YOU to make a difference in people's lives, and YOU took the steps necessary to do so.

I'm proud of you, and I know you'll be successful no matter what niche you go after because I can see how hard you're willing to work for this!

Now don't stop here...keep going, keep learning and improving upon what you already know because there is always room for improvement -always room to add more value, share more information and help even MORE people.

To better learn how to market and sell products online to your niche, grab my course "Irresistible Offers That Sell," where I walk you through everything you need to build your offers to reach your niche here:

Your ideal client will be comparable to you, but they'll be different from you in some crucial ways. It's your job to learn more about them than they know about themselves.

Your big business' goal is to learn all there is to know about your clients and give them outstanding service with passion and excellence. Then you have a chance on the horizon of succeeding in an industry sector or niche!

Start building offers and start connecting with your target customer!

Watch your business grow!