Successfully Dealing With The Opinions Of Your Friends and Family About Your Business
Everyone has opinions. It doesn't mean we have to listen to them.
When building your business, you're going to get many opinions about what you're doing from people.
You have to become really good at shutting out the noise from people who don't have experience and success, doing what you're doing.
People mean well - people you respect, friends and family - and they want to see you succeed, but they also don't want to see you get hurt.
One of the most important rules is do not spend time engaging with people who have negative opinions about what you're doing or try to knock down your dreams.
Seek out advice and wisdom from people who have experience doing what you're trying to do.
This challenges the way 99% of people live their life, always seeking the opinions of their friends and family.
Truth is, for you to be a successful business owner you're going to have to break free from your need to listen to other people’s opinions about what you're doing.
This may be hard but if you can grow in confidence and believe in what you are doing, you won’t need that validation.
They may convince you that you are neglecting them by not considering their opinion, you may even have family and friends angry with you and saying that you changed.
If you want to reach your goals as a business owner, you have to give up the need to be validated and approved by others. Even those closest to you.
I don't think you should end relationships with people close to you, but just leave certain topics off the table to discuss.
At the same time, find some people who are doing what you set out to do! Get some mentors and colleagues! Social media is a great place to do this, but beware - even people online present themselves as experts and really aren't. They just have many meaningless opinions.
Take a look at someone's track record. What have they accomplished? What have they done?
Has someone built a business to 7 figures like you want to - or do they just talk about it?
Pay attention to what people are doing, not just merely what they are saying, and learn from those who have done what you set out to do.
I've been helping companies grow to 8 figures and beyond for the last 17 years and would love to help you grow your business by getting more sales, leads, customers and clients online. Schedule a free call with me at and let's talk about taking your business sales to the next level!