Jeremiah Krakowski | How To Get More Results

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Building Your Business On Limited Funds

Most people (almost all) who set out to build a business have limited funds. The ones who allow this to be their reason for failure always fail.

The truth is, financial resources have nothing to do with your ability to succeed in business.

The old saying goes, "It takes money to make money," but that is not entirely true because the amount of money it takes varies and is not a set amount.

You can set up a website (which I show you how to set up in my course Website Building Made Easy) for under $19/month. Figure out how to re-allocate a few dollars to pay for that, anyone can do this and set up your website, and you will be in business.

Don't have funds to hire staff? Find some people who are willing to partner with you in the beginning to volunteer (and no, this isn't experienced business owners. Usually, this is people who are also just starting like yourself who have the skills you lack, so you can both share each other's skills).

There's so much you can do without needing funds for systems or programs. Mailchimp lets you have an email list of up to 2000 people, and then it's only $10/month. Social media scheduling apps are around $9/month.

This is pretty much all you need to get up and running for your business. Anything else, wait until you have some cash flow coming in to pay for and buy these. Re-allocate some funds as needed.

This whole idea of "I can't build a business cuz I don't have money" is a poopy idea that keeps people stuck and waiting years even to take action.

Worse yet, people believe, "If I don't make back the amount I spent in the first month, I'm a bad steward with my money," and this fear of using their money unwisely keeps them stuck even using it at all.

We have to break this lack of cycles.

You need to learn to live from a place of "Abundance" and "More Than Enough" instead of "Lack" and "Never Enough."

A scarcity mindset of never enough will always return to that place because it manifests "Never Enough."

Shift your mindset, shift your focus, and do what you can do with what you have.

Learn how to communicate better in writing and with the written word. Learn some new skills. Start posting on social media and making videos on social media.

Your goal is to make money so you can invest it in your business (it's not so you can pay your bills). Get a job to pay your bills while you build your business on the side.

Stop gripping so tightly to your wallet like it's all going to get taken away from you if you don't do everything correctly and start to build your business with hope and confidence.

Will you succeed instantly? Probably not. That's by design. If you are still scared to build your business at that point, you might want to get a job and focus on that because safety and security are more important to you than building a business. Get real with yourself and decide if you are someone who's cut out for business.

I believe anyone and everyone can be cut out for business and grow to build a business, but very few wills, and it's their own choice to stay stuck in fear and lack, worrying about what happens next.

For the rest, go to work. Get to taking action right away and start building.

If you need help and guidance to build your business without any funds, schedule a free 15-minute call with me here: