Jeremiah Krakowski | Grow Your Coaching or Course business

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5 Psychological Triggers That Make People Buy Anything

When selling anything, we have to tap into the emotions of the buyer. 

There are triggers that all humans have that determine why they purchase. There are also several reasons that people use that decide whether they will buy from you or not.

The most significant factor of why someone buys from anyone is trust. Without trust, you can kiss any chance of selling something to someone goodbye.

The trust doesn't have to be in the right way either (they could trust you for bad reasons)... People have to trust your word. It has to mean something.

When you can build trust and authority with your target customer, you can get them to buy from you based on these five main triggers:

1.) They want to avoid pain

This is a massive trigger for why people buy—the pain of wasting time, the pain of struggling, the pain of making mistakes. The pain of feeling lonely, sick, tired, or even living somewhere they don't want to live.

These are all factors that play into why people buy. It's also one of the most powerful reasons. If someone can spend money to make the pain go away, they will continue to do so for a length of time (sometimes, this can even turn into an addiction).

If your target customer is in a painful situation and you help lead them out of it - that's a good thing and a win-win for everyone!

2.) Fear

Many people buy because of fear. Fear of being unliked, fear of going broke, fear of missing out. 

Fear is a factor that can be tapped into at any time to get people to buy. 

There are real fears people have, and if we can help alleviate those fears by people buying from us, we can get them to buy anything!

Fear can often be used to manipulate people, so be aware when you notice fear is being used to manipulate buying decisions. I personally would rather not do this in sales, but it is a powerful trigger none the less; there's no denying that.

3.) To feel pleasure

This needs no explanation. People spend money when something makes them feel good. And they will continue to do so as long as they feel good.

There are many industries based on pleasuring people - including the food industry. When people eat certain foods, there's a significant release of pleasure inside them that they will come back for more later.

As a business owner, if the experience of working with you is pleasurable and positive, you can expect a repeat customer. That's how humans work! On the flip side, if you leave a bad taste in someone's mouth (and boy, I've been guilty of this myself over the years) - even if you have the best product or service, you'll often lose that person for life.

4.) To make or save money

This one is just a no brainer. People will spend money if it saves them or makes them money. It's considered an even exchange - an investment.

Anytime people can feel certainty (or just no downside) to save money or make money, people will not hesitate to pull out their credit cards.

If you can be someone with integrity and help people save or make money - you'll never struggle to make a profit and have wealth around you!

5.) Save time

This one is one of the most significant factors people spend money on. Time is the only finite asset people have! They can always make or save more money, but people can't get more time back.

So if you can offer people a sure path to save time, they will spend money without thinking about it.

Saving people time is one of the best ways to make a profit. In fact, billionaire investors have pointed to time savings as one of the biggest factors that determine a company growing to a billion dollars. If you can provide convenience - and remove a step in the process of an ordinary task - you can market that to millions of people easily!

If you sell people something that saves them time - or gives them time back (say as a service provider) - you can bet you'll make more money!


Knowing these five triggers is important for this one reason... People buy for selfish reasons. You always want to be aware of these triggers whenever selling anything. If people can trust you in these ways, and you can provide solutions to the problems they have - the sales process becomes almost automatic for you!

I've seen many people with incredible products or services talk way too much about what they are selling and not enough about what the customer cares about. The customer profoundly cares about these five triggers. If you can frame your offer in a way that gets people to connect with you emotionally, and you can tap into these triggers, you can lead people to buy from you!

In my brand new course, "Irresistible Offers That Sell," I walk you through creating offers that your target customer can't help but say yes to! I've distilled 17 years of my experience selling thousands of products online for you to follow and increase your sales online quickly! The course is less than $100 and has a 30-day money-back guarantee (so you have nothing to lose).

If you want to start to get more sales in your business, grab the course now: