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What Marketer's Should Do Because Of The Facebook's FTC Lawsuit Over Instagram and WhatsApp?

If you've seen the news this week, the FTC has filed for Facebook to be broken up and assets like Instagram and WhatsApp sold off.

If you haven’t seen some of the official news articles, here’s one:

They feel it’s a monopoly with too much power over the internet. I completely understand this position. They are a massive company with a lot of power.

Now, full disclosure, I love their platform as a marketer - their advertising tools are second to none, and I hope that more competition DOES join the marketplace with better tools to reach customers than just Facebook! I’m optimistic about this.

This may have you wondering what's next for social media. 

You may even wonder if Facebook and Instagram are worth being on anymore. The answer may surprise you.

No matter what happens, business will go on.

Facebook will not stop running ads; neither will Instagram; the algorithm won't suddenly stop working. 

This allows for better innovation and competition in the marketplace. 

Now for the cold hard truth: you have to build assets for yourself in business. An Email List is one of the number one assets you need to be building TODAY!

When we put all our eggs in one basket or one platform, we get ruined when things change.

A successful business uses multi-channel marketing. Visual, written, audio, social media, products, services, events, email marketing, private chat channels, websites, podcast, YouTube, etc

Being on just one platform and riding a gimmick to make some profit is extremely short term.

It’s time to think the bigger picture like a real business owner. 

Your future is not defined by one platform - even if it’s how you have built your business.

Creating long term assets like a community that trusted you and is deeply, intimately connected with you is so important.

This happens through gathering people in places like an email list and even doing events over zoom. Connecting via whatever platform people are on is the key to constantly find new buyers.

As a business owner, if you limit yourself to one platform, you'll go broke. When that platform stops working, you'll have to get a job again.

Instead, think long term. Create relationships, not money. Your goal is always connecting with people who will be your buyers.

Connect with people, and develop your ability to sell. This can't be taken away from you no matter what happens to any platform.

Final words: Don't fear the unknown and allow it to cripple you.

Step up to the plate and create your life, regardless of anything going on outside of you.  

If you need help setting your business up for success with online marketing, schedule a free 15 minute call with me here and let’s talk about your business: