Jeremiah Krakowski | How To Get More Results

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This One Thing Determines How Many Sales You Get Online

Getting more customers in your business is as simple as just consistently making more offers to more people, more often.

This means you need to show up consistently in front of your target customer, the person who's ready to buy from you, not just when it's convenient for you, but all the time.

When I started working with my coaching client Ryan, he had a lot of great ideas but wasn't making offers to people! As you can guess, he wasn't making any money as soon as he started making more offers his business jumped to 20 to $30,000 per month.

Now, this is impossible with our busy schedules. That's why we have tools for scheduling things and pre-planning, batch production, and eventually hiring staff to help create content more often to get in front of more people.

Put, if you're relying on what you can output, you're going to run out of ways to reach people.

If you can leverage tools like email marketing, advertising, videos, and social media posts, you can be in front of people all the time and become virtually omnipresent.

Now the key is to show up in front of the right people all the time, not just anybody. Random people for the sake of showing up to random people doesn't work!

For example, if you show up in front of people that are not ready to buy your product, say you sell beauty care to middle-aged men, they might think you're cute in your ads, but they're not going to buy your product for their girlfriends (if they even have one.)

This is why coming up with avatars for your target customer is so important.

Intentionally spend time writing down who they are, what drives them what keeps them up at night what they want what they need.

Start putting yourself in the shoes of your target customer and thinking in the ways that they think about things.

When you do this, you can create campaigns that move the exact person who's ready to buy from you from just being interested in your product to purchase what you have to offer.

It's that simple.

Unfortunately, marketers have tried to overcomplicate this simple process because it helps them sell courses and mentorships to make it seem like it's more complicated than it is.

Now yes, running a business is complicated, but reaching your target customer is as easy as following a few simple steps to get in front of people at the right time and create offers to them for what you have for them too.

If you don't know what to offer, people join my fre #GrowYourLife Community on Facebook. Click on the units section and go through my free 21-day "Internet Cashflow Formula" masterclass, where I walk you through step-by-step, creating an offer and reaching your target customer to sell more products to the people who are ready to buy from you.

If you have an offer, it's time to start running ads.

Advertising is the quickest way to reach the people who are ready to buy from you. You can put your ad in front of tens of thousands of people for pennies on the dollar and convert them to sales when you do just a few simple things.

In my course "Social Media Ads That Work," I walk you through exactly what those things are that you need to do to create ad campaigns that get customers in your business.

Stop trying to figure out just what to do with the latest system, the newest algorithm, the most exciting new funnel software, and just start making more offers.

If you don't know what to offer, that's the place to start. Develop your offer. Write it down on a notepad.

What you are offering people is not what you have for sale. It's the result that they get from buying from you.

That's why you need to tell more stories.

Start getting more results and customers in your business... Like my client, Rick: we helped get over 4,000 members to his membership using this simple system of making consistent offers with social media ads, (exactly what I teach you in my free internet cash flow master class and my social media ads course.)

It's time to get off the sidelines and start taking action.

Are you ready to be the next success story?