Jeremiah Krakowski | Grow Your Coaching or Course business

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The Real Reason People Struggle To Launch Their Business

I used to be one of the most fearful, victim mentality people that I know. Always expecting other people to take the blame for my own choices.

This ruined plenty of relationships for me and I always found something to complain about (go figure). I was constantly blaming other people and circumstances for why I couldn't build my business.

Then, I realized the truth.

My business success is 100% my responsibility, no one else's. It's 100% on me what I do every single day. No client work, no partners, no one else was to be.

Nothing outside of me was responsible for why I couldn't build my business...

Lack of time wasn't why, even tho I convinced myself it was.

Lack of financial resources want why, even tho I believed it was..

Lack of knowledge wasn't why, even tho I thought it was.

It wasn't even God's timing or his plan, even tho I was convinced it was...

None of those things had anything to do with why I couldn't build my business.

It was 100% my choice. My choosing.

I was choosing to not build my business, and using those lame cop-out excuses to blame because I refused to take personal responsibility.

It was my unreasonable need to "do everything perfect" that was keeping me stuck moving forward.

Things changed when I read this book called "Extreme Ownership" (you can grab it here with my affiliate link: and it taught me this...

Nothing and no one is responsible for my business success except me! I was the one responsible for prioritizing my time, doing my best with what was in front of me.

Self-discipline is the only thing that gets results.

You have nothing to blame outside of you for why you aren't taking action.

Lack of time, resources, knowledge, outside responsibilities, even "God's plan" are all crap excuses for not building your business. I know they "feel" real, they feel like what's keeping you from reaching your goals, and maybe you've convinced yourself of that - but the truth is, it's 100% on you.

You can figure out what's important to you. The fact that you haven't yet means you've 100% fully chosen that you don't want things to grow. That's it.

We have to prioritize what's important to us every single day, and then do those things.

Don't be afraid to step out and take risks. As long as you allow fear to rule your life, you'll sit around blaming other things for why you can't build your business.

Or you can choose to build your business regardless of what's going on outside of you or around you.

That's 100% on you by your choosing. Choose different. Start building your business today, not tomorrow. That's the only way things will change.🙂

If you'd like help knowing what steps to take to grow a 7 figure business, schedule a free call with me here: