The Fear Of Asking For Help
Some of us feel like we're a burden to others when it's time to ask for help with our goals and desires. We let this fear keep us from ever asking anyone, which is really unfortunate because having someone in your life that can guide you on the journey towards what's important, is invaluable.
We can't accomplish our goals without getting guidance from others to point us in the right direction.
There are many reasons why people don’t ask for help to start on their goals. One of the main ones is that they feel embarrassed because it feels like a sign of weakness.
It becomes a mental conflict between wanting safety vs. adventure; one where there would be no risk involved in exposing themselves as someone who lacks knowledge if things go wrong.
The fear can be so strong sometimes that even starting to ask about what you should do next becomes daunting, when faced with uncertainty over questions like “What if I'm missing something? What does my family think? Will somebody judge me harshly?"
It's almost as though they're paralyzed and the fear of asking for help outweighs their desire to grow.
Often the story of many would-be entrepreneurs stops here... Never to continue again.
The thing that separates successful people from those who let their fear control them is not stopping here! No one who was successful ever let this fear stop them.
Those who let themselves be paralyzed by the fear of not being knowledgeable often don't go any further.
The ones who are successful never let "not knowing something" keep them stuck from moving forward.
To be successful, you need to keep moving forward, regardless of how much you know.
Those who let fear stop them rarely get anywhere in life because they're stuck at the first step and refuse to go any further out of fear that there's something else they don't know yet.
Successful people are different; when faced with a challenge or setback, their negative emotions kick into high gear so as not to prevent themselves from getting somewhere great--they use those feelings for motivation, instead!
It's natural to have a fear of failure. We're human and that's just the way it is. But what separates those who achieve their dreams from those who don't, are people with the courage to keep going even when they feel afraid or overwhelmed by obstacles in front of them.
If you've been feeling stuck lately because your fears are preventing you from moving forward, I can help!
Schedule a free 45-minute call with me to learn how you can break past your fear to get results in your business: