Jeremiah Krakowski | Grow Your Coaching or Course business

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Sell More Without Being Annoying Or Slimey

Have you ever met a salesperson that you were annoyed with? I'm talking about someone that you just wanted to be like, "would you stop already!"

We all have experienced this, and many times this has left a sour taste in our mouths about selling. We are afraid to "be that person."

Unfortunately, this noble, good choice that we've made not to be an unaware salesperson leads us to swing WAY TOO FAR in the other direction.

You see, most people are trying so hard not to be annoying that they avoid doing anything that will sell in their business!

I see it all the time, business owners who have INCREDIBLE products and services not getting sales. I'm talking HIGH QUALITY, AMAZING PRODUCTS... not selling anything!

This whole idea of "not being annoying while selling" gets into our heads, and we get this vision of what we don't want to be at the forefront of our minds that affects - and damages our actions and choices.

Who's had this happen before? I know I used to. I would be so afraid of being that way that I wasn't even connecting with my target customer. 

Even with my incredible products and services, I was afraid of being "annoying" that I didn't put my stuff out there!

I wasn't sending emails; I wasn't reaching out to people and letting them know what I had for sale!

We can get so stuck in our head with the "right timing" and the "right way" to make sales based on our judgment of what it means to sell - how we've judged others - that we avoid even selling in our own businesses!

And this is usually the next place people get stuck telling themselves, saying, "I just don't know what to say to close a sale."

To this, I say that there's so much training and coaching out there on sales that are incredible. I've also recorded three podcast episodes on this topic that help you sell more. You can find the links to them below:

Ultimately, you can't sell what you don't believe in, so:

1.) A healthy self-image is important. Believe in yourself, and others will as well. Mindset increases sales!

2.) Talk to your prospects like you do a close friend that you're raving about a product with!

When you give an authentic endorsement to a friend, you don't care if they buy or not, but you KNOW that they really should! 

There's a level of authenticity that we all possess when raving about something to a friend that helps us sell better.

Are there methods and cadences for selling that work better than others? Absolutely.

The best is when you know exactly what your prospect needs and desires are, you can mirror these back to them, and as a result, they will get from what you are selling (if it applies).

When I hear from a prospect who wants to pay off credit card debt and move into a bigger house, I know that if they coach with me, and I help them make $1MM in a business, they will be able to pay off that credit card debt and move into a bigger house! It's just a fact!

So in my mind, my entire goal is to help that person reach that goal that they have in their mind.

Whenever I'm selling, I'm always thinking about "What does my prospect want?"

Testimonies and case studies are a great sales tool because when people see that someone else did it, they believe that they can do it as well!

Sales happen when trust and rapport are built. You are connecting with a real human being and helping serve their needs and goals!

When you can help someone get what they want, you will get what you want, the sale!

And when you do so with integrity and honesty, people will THANK YOU for spending money with you (I have this happen all the time, everyone who spends money with me thanks me for the opportunity!)

Would you like to be someone that people thank for spending money with you? It's possible! I've seen it happen for the clients I work with for years!

If you'd like coaching to become a better salesperson, online and offline, as well as advice on what direction to go in your business, schedule a free 15-minute breakthrough call with me here:

Fact: I don't sell on these 15-minute calls! These are intended to connect with you and see where your at to point you in the right direction. It'll be the best decision you make (ok, now I'm selling to you in this blog post - go! Schedule that call!)