My Simple Counter-Intuitive Approach To Productivity
One of the most often overlooked techniques for business growth is play and having fun!
Over the years, companies are starting to implement fun aspects of their work environments, yet we still reject many of these as a culture.
We believe that there should be “no idle time” spent during our day and that play is a waste of time that could be better utilized doing productive things.
I want to challenge this way of thinking head-on… What if, by having fun and playing with intention, you became more productive than not playing and grinding through your days to be as productive as possible?
Is sound impossible? After all, where does that “wasted time go?”
I can speak from the experiences of my life. From the testimony of many business owners and highly productive people, it’s true: Taking time for fun and play in your life will make a noticeable improvement in your overall work output during your working hours.
As humans, we’re not made to be robots, no matter what anyone tells you. Having things that we do for fun is part of our wiring.
Why not make it an intentional part of your life instead of just a “reward” you are working towards.
You will find yourself producing more when you give yourself opportunities to play and have fun.
Some ideas for you:
· Horseback riding
· Sewing
· Playing an Instrument
· Playing a video game
· Going for a drive
· Going for a walk
· Reading a book
· Watching a TV show
These are all ideas from my clients of what they said they would do more for FUN if they had the time!
If you haven’t done this, you need to get a hobby of some kind. Some outlets are not related to your everyday routine to mix things up for you.
It could even be just hanging out with some friends.
You can then find some people you have in common with these activities and create a community together. Finding friends that you have things in common with is a valuable part of our lives.
Give yourself intentional moments of play and fun and watch your productivity and your life improve.
Two great books that talk about this are (my affiliate links below):
Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul:
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level: