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How To Manifest Financial Abundance (For Skeptics)

When things aren't going well financially for us, it can be very tempting to get emotionally depressed about our situation.

Unfortunately, this response, as natural as it is, only serves to worsen our situation.

I've experienced this several times in my own life. I've also seen first hand the power of abundance-minded declaration in my life - and the lives of several wealthy multi-millionaires that I've been around in my life.

I'm blessed to have spent much time with multi-millionaires who have been mentors in my life. I also am blessed (yes, I said blessed) to experience the lowest of low financial situations. The fact that I've lived in both extremes and seen both extremes, I think, gives me a unique perspective on this stuff.

It seems crazy - that declaring financial abundance in your life would produce positive finances, but I've seen it first hand.

I used to be a huge skeptic of this stuff happening for me.

I was raised that "word of faith" and "speak it into existence" was a scam!

I used to be an "I only eat what I killed" type person and tied my self-worth to my work - and the results I produced.

Sadly, I was faced head-on with the reality of abundance-minded thinking when my faith was tested. I struggled to pay bills - and this was when I discovered what abundance-minded thinking meant.

When things aren't working out well for you financially, and you're struggling to pay the bills, the best thing (and most challenging thing often) you can ever do is to declare an abundant financial future.

This is where faith comes in. There are versions of faith, too, I've discovered.

There's what I call "cop-out" faith - where on the outside you declare abundance, but on the inside, you're just as pessimistic as before - nothing has changed.

Then there's what's called "surrender faith" - where you give up 100% of all need to control how things turn, and you release your life into this level of faith.

Surrender faith is the kind that works. Cop-out faith doesn't because it's deceptive and a lie.

When we surrender the need to control everything in our lives to a higher power and give it up to God, we open up the flow of abundance into our lives.

You have to have real hope, real belief, in the face of all odds - in the front to a "reality" that is 100% opposite of the situation you're experiencing.

When you do this, and you combine that faith with action (faith without works is dead after all as well), this is where abundance manifestation happens.

Let me paint a picture for you of two situations:

1.) You can take massive action towards creating finances in your life - and be complaining about your reality. You will stop the flow of abundance. You will limit yourself to your belief and complaint level.

I never used to believe this. My wife is the one who taught me this first hand.

2.) As soon as you take massive action while DECLARING a financially abundant future, that's when random checks come in the mail.

My wife and I were struggling to pay our bills. We started having random checks appear in our bank account to cover what we needed every month (they made sense, but they were timed so ridiculously crazy that I KNOW for a fact it was from the declarations we were making).

I used to be a huge skeptic of this "speak it into existence" type stuff. I'm a firm believer, you can either choose to slow down the flow in your life, or you can choose to hop on the train, all aboard, and start declaring your future.

You can take all the best actions to produce financial results. Still, suppose your mindset is crap, and you're continually declaring death and destruction over your financial future. In that case, you will manifest struggle in life. That might be the life you've had up to this moment in time.

It matters whom you keep your company around as well. It matters whom you let speak into your life as well!

When you do your best, take the best actions towards financial results. You start declaring massive financial abundance; it opens a flow in your life that produces tremendous financial results, far greater than pessimism and negativity ever will. Even if "technically" all your actions are the same... The abundance mindset produces far superior results.

When you align your mind, body, and spirit in your goals' trajectory and declare a positive financial future, things come together for you.

I know that no article will "convince" you of this, it wouldn't have convinced me back in the day as well, but I want to invite you to try it out - take a risk and see what happens.

Will it be hard? Yeah! Is it worth it? 100%