Jeremiah Krakowski | Grow Your Coaching or Course business

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Get Paid What You’re Worth In Business

When building a business, you’re the one who determines your value.

This can be hard in the beginning because, if no one is buying from us, we may feel we are worthless.  

We have to realize one positive truth: Our value is not connected to other people purchasing from us!

Your worth is not related to how many sales you can get.

You have to decide your value first before you put yourself out there. The marketplace pays for value, but you’re the one who decides what that value is.

This is a major paradigm shift, especially going from employee to entrepreneur – realizing that your worth is not connected to your performance!

If you want to get paid more as a business owner, you have to ask for more!

Sure: in the beginning you might take less to pay the bills. I remember when launching this business 3 years ago, I did web design jobs for $70/hour, and now I’m closing coaching clients at over $1000/hour and consulting packages over $15,000/month!

This of course was part of my strategy to get some clients under my belt, get some quick wins, get some cash flow coming in. The last 3 years, we’ve been able to pay our bills, and grow our business.

I project we will double or triple our income in the next year by doing this, and you can as well!

I truly believe that anyone reading this right now can triple their income IF they do the work needed to grow to that place.

Here’s an example, Dawn has been able to increase her monthly income every single month since coaching with me in her health business. She’s not afraid to ask for multiple figures per client in sales!

In the beginning it can be hard to do this, but as we grow as business owners, we are able to step out in that confidence to ask for what we are worth.

If  the value of what you are selling is  greater than what you are charging, people are willing to pay for it!

My clients are willing  to pay me 5 figures per month because their returns are multiple 6 and 7 figures!

A That’s what will  happen for you as well.

I don’t think we should ever shrink back our worth.

Show up in your power today. You are worth far more than you even realize, and people are going to be willing to pay you more than you ever thought was possible!

Say this abundance mantra today: I am worth getting paid 7 figures for the value I bring to the table.

Repeat that over yourself. Start to believe it. Visualize what your life would be like if you were making over $83,333/month (that’s $1 million a year).

When you start to visualize it and write down your goals, you can paint a picture in your mind's eye of what that reality will look like for you!

Then, show up as a confident person who believes in themselves when you ask for the sale.

You won’t be able to sell yourself if you don’t believe in yourself. If you  don’t believe in yourself, other people won’t either!

Ask for the pay that you want. When you stand your ground, people will  respect that. In the beginning they may not understand, but the more that you put “this is what I get paid” out there, that is what the marketplace will start to pay you!

If you would like to get some help in building a business of your own and growing your income to that 6 and 7 figure level, schedule a free call with me here: