Delivering Excellence In Business The Right Way
When starting a business, we want to do things with excellence.
We want to put out high quality products and services.
One of the biggest mistakes I see business owners making when they just start out, is the obsession with perfectionism.
To reach your business goals, you have to give up the need for everything to be perfect before you put things out there.
Give things your very best shot, but stop wanting things to be absolutely perfect before you launch your business.
Stalling, hesitating to launch because things aren’t “quite perfect” is really just insecurity – disguised as caution. Unfortunately, this will leave you stuck and wondering when things will finally move forward for you. You won’t reach your goals with this mindset!
I often see a direct split down the middle: successful business owners taking action imperfectly, and those who need everything to be perfect before putting themselves out there, struggling to succeed.
If you want to start growing your business, give up the need for all your marketing, logos, design, presentation, etc. to be perfect, and focus on one thing:
Reaching as many new people to sell to on a daily basis.
Bringing in more revenue opens up more opportunity for you. If you aren’t making $1 Million dollars yet in your business, then your responsibility is going to be to sales and marketing. Don’t waste your time and energy on perfection!
Focus on sales and marketing.Take imperfect action and get some revenue in your business so that you can grow to that $1 Million dollar mark.
As you make more money in your business, you can afford to hire people to refine things and make them more polished over time.
Put out high quality products and services, and launch your business with imperfect action.
If you need coaching to build a business successfully, schedule a free 15 minute call with me here: