Jeremiah Krakowski | How To Get More Results

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Dealing With Rude, Mean People On the Internet

If you've been on the internet for any length of time, you know that there are rude, mean people online.

We can try to get away from it, but it's nearly impossible to avoid them.

You could be doing everything correctly in your business, and you will get the meanest, rudest people accusing you of things that you never did.

Unfortunately, this threat is something that keeps a lot of people from building their businesses. They focus so hard on "hater management" that they are being controlled by the opinions of people who don't even know them.

I see fantastic business owners all the time with incredible products and services who don't put themselves out there because of haters online.

I used to be afraid of this myself. I also used to get into many "arguments" with haters online because I let them get in my head.

So I get it. I've ever had people schedule calls with me to be rude and mean! It's incredible the lengths people go to be nasty.

We can't allow the fear of these people to keep us from shining brightly in our businesses.

Ultimately - we have to become more confident in who we are, and really, I feel sorry for people who are rude like that online. It shows a level of insecurity in someone else to have to tear another person down who's going after their dreams.

Don't let the critical tone of haters get in your head, and don't let it keep you from launching your business.

The best way to break free from the fear and worry of these haters is to put yourself out there!

Will you be judged? Will people be mean? Yeah! It happens! But the more you do it, the more confident you will get to show up every day in your business and market it online.

I believe that if you're reading this right now, you may have let the fear of people being rude to keep you from building your business. Maybe even for years.

I want to say I understand. I know it can be challenging. I know there are challenges when it comes to putting yourself out there.

But when you show up, you don't let fear keep you held back, and you put yourself out there to market and sell your business online. The results will pay you dividends.

You can't control what other people will do, but you can set a boundary of what you will tolerate in your space.

Block the rude, mean people. Don't engage with them. You don't owe them anything. You owe yourself the self-acceptance and self-respect to show up powerfully and put your business out there so that you can reach your goals!

Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Always!

If you would like me to mentor you on building your business online and getting more customers and sales, schedule a free 15-minute call with me at