Jeremiah Krakowski | How To Get More Results

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Dealing With Fear Of Rejection In Business

One of the most painful things we can experience is rejection! We put our heart and soul into something, only to see it fail.

Nobody buys from us when we launch a product. Nobody helps us when we ask for help.

This can leave us feeling devastated and burnt out, not knowing what to do next!

If you're someone who struggles with the fear of rejection, know that it is normal.

I used to deal with a massive fear of rejection for years. I was so worried that everyone thought of me that I wouldn't put anything out there or say anything that might upset people!

The truth is this: rejection is part of life, and it's part of the business.

Yes, it's one of the most painful things. In fact, our brains are triggered in the same part that feels pain from physical pain!

So I get it, it's normal to fear rejection, but it's something that we have to learn to get some tougher skin with.

We have to learn how to put ourselves out there and step out courageously, even if we get rejected by people even if no one resonates with us.

To sell more products and services, growing in confidence to put yourself out there is key.

At the end of the day, if no one knows about what you sell, they aren't going to be able to buy from you!

What are somethings that you can do:

1.) Put yourself out there and SEEK OUT rejection.

2.) Talk to strangers and experience rejection first hand

3.) Tell yourself that the worst thing that can happen is you get rejected, and it's ok!

4.) Realize that it's not a terrible thing if people don't like you or reject you.

5.) Realize that it's ok if people think bad things about you or even get mad at you!

At the end of the day, we can't control what other people think about us! The only thing we can control is ourselves. The only person we can control is ourselves.

What if you made it a goal of yours to become courageous and no longer fear rejection this year?

Sometimes, therapy is something that can help with this. I know many people with who this has helped.

We can't let the worry of what other people might think of us, or even them not liking us or rejecting us, keep us from doing what we need to do.

It takes a risk in business, and a great risk you can take each day is putting yourself out there to where you might get rejected.

Go live on video, talk to some people, tell them about your business.

Ask for some help from someone, see if you get that referral!

Put yourself out there and be ready to get some rejection.

You'll begin to realize what so many who've gone before you did: rejection isn't that bad, and it's actually fun to build a business and embrace it!

Not everyone is going to like you. They aren't supposed to. Just be you and put yourself out there the best you can.